Structural calculation, pressure vessel. Pressure vessels, legislation.

Structural calculation, pressure vessel. Pressure vessels, legislation. Member States of the European Union shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that pressure receptacles may be placed on the market and used only if they do not compromise the safety of persons, pets or property, in the case of installation, proper maintenance and Use according to their intended use. In the US the first pressure vessel code was developed starting in 1911 and released in 1914, starting the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). In 1920s and 1930s the BPVC included welding as an acceptable means of construction, and welding is the main means of joining metal vessels today. Many other countries have adopted the BPVC as their official code. There are, however, other official codes in some countries (some of which rely on portions of and reference the BPVC), Japan, Australia, Canada, Britain, and Europe have their own codes. Regardless of the country nearly all recognize the in...