Legislative updates of recent years, 2015-2017. Prevention of money laundering, small payouts, pay calls system.

Legislative updates of recent years, 2015-2017. Prevention of money laundering, small payouts, pay calls system In the publication H 2018-19,02 we have been interested in the legislative framework aimed at payment systems, pay-call, with greater interest in the numbering at a higher cost (an increase equal to the cost of the goods sold), for Italy the 899 prefix numbers, 892 and 895. With reference to the unique identifier defined by EC Regulation 1781/2006, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on 20 May 2015 adopt the EU Regulation 847/2015 on the information accompanying transfers of funds and repealing Regulation (CE) n. 1781/2006. Illegal cash flows resulting from transfers undermine the integrity, stability and reputation of the financial sector pose a threat to the Union's internal market and international development. In order to safeguard the integrity, stability of the fundraising system, the European Commission adopts new measu...