Distance financial services. Annual accounts, competent court.

Annual accounts, competent court. Distance financial services. DOWNLOADS ARTICLE IN PDF In the publication 2019-20,01 we will carry out a study with interest for distance financial services, supply which is possible today in the European market and not. We will analyze some management aspects and the technique regulatory evolution starting from the 70s, also considering the evolution of the regulation on the annual accounts of companies and jurisdiction in the field of distance services; in 1973 the Council of the European Community with the intention to abolish the restrictions related to the freedom of establishment of companies in the field of direct insurance other than life insurance, issues Directive 73/240/EEC currently in force. 1 - BRIEF HISTORY . The Directive implements the abolition of restrictions on the opening of agencies or branches and subordinates it, with regard to direct insurance companies, to the coordination of access and operating cond...