OTC over the counter markets, risks and regulatory capital of credit institutions. Public interest institutions, credit institutions.

OTC over the counter markets, risks and regulatory capital of credit institutions. Public interest institutions, credit institutions. DOWNLOAD ARTICLE IN PDF In publication 2019-20,02 we will carry out research on OTC derivative instruments, focusing our studies on EU regulation 648/2012 and regulation 575/2013/EU. Of interest for this research is the obligation established by the Commission for OTC standard contracts to be cleared by a CCP counterpart with regulation 648/2012/EU, and the prudential requirements established for credit institutions and investment firms by Regulation 575/2013/EU. In the appendix we will carry out a feasibility study for a limited public interest institution, a payment institution. 1 - OVER THE COUNTER OTC MARKETS The general definition of OTC markets shows the following: over the counter markets (OTC markets) are characterized by not having the requisites recognized on regulated markets . These are markets whose trading takes place ...