Vehicle type-approval. Legislative framework up to the year 2017.

Legislative framework up to the year 2017. Vehicle type-approval. 1- INTRODUCTION. Considering that motor vehicles must comply with mandatory and mandatory uniform characteristics between the Member States of the European Union in order to eliminate or at least reduce the obstacles to the establishment and functioning of the common market , characteristics that starting from the year 1970 must be adopted both as a complement and in replacement of the current legislation of the member countries; whereas a check of compliance with the technical requirements has traditionally been carried out by the Member States before the vehicles to which they apply are applied and that this control covers the various types of vehicles, the EEC directive number 156 of 1970 defined the first rules of approval that the member Staes EU must adopt to allow the free movement of motor vehicles in safety. Considers vehicles for any motor vehicle designed to travel on the road, with or withou...