Mechanics Applied to Machines. Evolution of teaching in the school sorting.

Evolution of teaching in the school sorting Mechanics Applied to Machines DOWNLOAD ARTICLE IN PDF We do not think it possible to reconstruct the development of the teaching of Applied Mechanics to the Machines in Naples on the basis of the texts that the various teachers, of which we have news, it have wrote or used for the conduct of their lessons, lacking, among other things, indications certain for all the period to which we have turned our interest. At the same time we consider important the knowledge of the bases on which it they came forming not only the students, but also the teachers who taught in what is currently the Faculty of Engineering Federico II of Naples , Italy . We also consider it important, for any future studies, to make known the amount of books available in the Faculty and in the departments connected to it. For these reasons we have collected in the first chapter the various texts of which we have come to know, reporting in full...