Mechanics Applied to Machines. Evolution of teaching in the school sorting.

Evolution of teaching in the school sorting

Mechanics Applied to Machines

We do not think it possible to reconstruct the development of the teaching of Applied Mechanics to the Machines in Naples on the basis of the texts that the various teachers, of which we have news, it have wrote or used for the conduct of their lessons, lacking, among other things, indications certain for all the period to which we have turned our interest. At the same time we consider important the knowledge of the bases on which it they came forming not only the students, but also the teachers who taught in what is currently the Faculty of Engineering Federico II of NaplesItaly. We also consider it important, for any future studies, to make known the amount of books available in the Faculty and in the departments connected to it. For these reasons we have collected in the first chapter the various texts of which we have come to know, reporting in full the indexes of the topics, obviously useful to know the problems considered interesting for the study and at the same time understand their evolution.

From the preface of the text 'General Theory of Machines' by F. Reuleaux, director of the Berlin school, year 1874, first chapter, page 67: the following considerations are intended to discuss the various aspects under which machines are generally presented in order to determine, among many, the real point of view from which one must study. We therefore understand them: Basic principles of a general theory of machines.
 …. Here it is not just a matter of giving a new form to principles already known and discussed, nor of substituting new subdivisions and new nomenclatures to the ancient ones. Perhaps with such modifications it will be possible to treat the matter with greater ease or elegance; but for practical use one can still use the known methods for a long time.
for, to open with a phrase by Goethe, one does not possess anything but what one understands ...

An arduous task is certainly to establish in what period and course the lessons of Applied Mechanics to Machines emerge. Intuitively we have to think in some course of Mechanics, then roughly in the period in which courses on Machine Mechanics are introduced; for something more exhaustive you must immerse yourself in historical archives, browse fascinating books that date back to the second half of the eighteenth century, like the text by Frisi Paolo, "institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics of hydrometry and static architecture, and hydraulics to use in the Royal School erected in Milan for architects, and for the engineers ", fabulous handwritten texts.

To give the best solution to our problem, that is to say, to try to understand, what were the topics studied that, at least in part, concerned the Mechanics Applied to Machines, before its official insertion, we considered it appropriate to face the problem with a historical approach. Not having specific documents, which could lead directly to the solution of the problem, we have circumvented the obstacle by trying to follow, according to a temporal and logical progression, the events that have marked the history of the Mechanics Applied to Machines ".

In the first part of the publication we had an interest in the historical study of documents, turning more attention to the birth and evolution of the topics of Applied Mechanics to Machines in the second part.

Keywords: Topics of the discipline Mechanics applied to the machines, Elementary treatment of the machines, Complete treaty of the applied mechanics to the arts, Steam machines, Manual of Technical-Practical Mechanics for the use of the artists, professionals, owners, Treatise of the mechanisms, Treaty of pure kinematics, Theory General of Machines, Centrifugal Regulators, Steam Machine Distributions, Machine Builder, Mechanism Theory, kinematics of Plunger Mechanics, Machine Kinematics and Dynamics.

Author: engineering Vito Gnazzo. Publication number 04 for magazine H Research Edition No 2019-20.

Publication rapporteur and Research Coordinator: Prof. Lelio Della Pietra (Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine, Federico II, Ingegneria, Napoli).


The Mechanics Applied to Machines in Naples: the texts

We do not think it possible to reconstruct the development of the teaching of Applied Mechanics to Machines in Naples on the basis of the texts that the various teachers we have heard about wrote or used for the development of their lessons, lacking, among other things, certain indications for the whole period to which we have turned our interest. At the same time we consider important the knowledge of the bases on which they have been forming not only the students, but also the teachers who have taught in what is currently the Faculty of Engineering. We also consider it important, for future studies, to make known the library equipment available in the Faculty and in the departments connected to it.
    For these reasons we have collected in this chapter the various texts of which we have come to know, reporting in full the indexes of the topics, obviously useful to know the problems considered interesting for the study and at the same time understand their evolution.

1)      Year 1777 -- Appreffo Giuseppe Galeazzi, Royal Printer (with permission from Superiors);
FINBC,  A  XIII  B 44;
A. D. P. Frisi  -- Institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics, hydrometry, and static and hydraulic architecture for use by the Regia Scuola Eretta in Milan for architects, and for engineers  --  (p. 487);
A. D. P. Frisi, Regio censor and professor of mathematics, member of the Academies of Sciences of London, Berlin, Petersburg, Bologna, Copenhague, Stockolm, Upsal, Harem, Siena, Lyon, Berne, Correspondent of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris;
Paolo Frisi: the 1700 opens with the gigantic figure of Paolo Frisi, priest, scientist, mathematician, physicist, writer. Paolo Frisi is one of the highest glories of Melegnano (MilanItaly); his thought and his work have left an indelible mark on the science and culture of the 1700s. In the bibliographic presentation of the author, written by Anna Maria Salini; "Frisi Paolo (1728-1784). Barnabita, mathematician and scientist. Born in Melegnano from Giovanni Mattia and Francesca Magnetti in 1728, he attended the Arcimbolde schools near S. Alessandro and, very soon, the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, which contains in seven codes many of his letters. Although he studied literature, philosophy and theology, due to his lively inclination he devoted himself to mathematics, physical cosmography, hydraulics in which he soon distinguished himself both in the field of university teaching in Pisa (1756-64), at the Palatine Schools of Milan. and in Bologna since 1764, both in written dissertations and in practical and scientific applications. However, he also taught philosophy in Lodi, Casale Monferrato,Pisa and the Arcimbolde of Milan. He was the first to teach the existence and use of the lightning rod and to introduce the use of the telescope level and to deny the existence of magic and witches "without any danger - writes Verri - and anxiety" because of Inquisition. He received awards and prizes for his important dissertations, from that "On the annual motion of the earth" (1751) to that "On electricity" of 1758, from the "De gravitate universali corporum" of 1768, to the "Institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics , of hydrometry and of static and hydraulic architecture ..", of 1777, by the Academies of Berlin, of Petersburg, of London. He was awarded a gold medal by the King of Prussia, by Joseph II, by the King of Denmark and also a member of other Academies: StockholmUppsalaBolognaSienaLyon. He made several trips to Lombardy, PiedmontTuscany for assignments by princes and governments. Also Clemente XIII° in 1760 used him for works of plumbing and arrangement of the course of the Rhine and other rivers. In Milan he was asked to build a canal with Pavia and for navigational projects of the Oglio and Adda and other Milanese waterways. He also made a plan for the Specola di Brera and for theCollege of Engineers and also took care of the project in 1764 of which all Milan spoke of the construction of the main spire of the Duomo, expressing, however. as a mathematician also expert in architecture, negative opinion in the "Considerations of architecture, physics and mechanics over the dome of the Milan Cathedral". His opinion, interesting and curious, refers to the biographer Pietro Verri: "While the floor of the Duomo is not finished, but in part it is similar to that of a stable; while the façade is half-finished, and for the remainder shows a crude acervo of stones and bricks, to think of lavishing a large sum of money on the ornament of the last summit, it was a method error at least ...". He then said that "... not without danger could such weight be added, that that very high tower would be easily thunderstruck; that would have made the figure of the Church deformed. Now everyone sees that he was right, and that he would do better by following his opinion. But then, because of his attempts to prevent a truly ridiculous deformity, he was exposed to the personal animosity of some engineer and many patricians." His opposition might seem excessive, but in the long run concerning the static was not quite completely wrong: they have amply demonstrated, after several previous interventions, the impressive and complex restoration works on the four tiburio piers completed in 1986. Always a Milan, Frisi collaborated in the "Caffè", with other great Lombard reformers such as Verri brothers, C. Beccaria, GR Carli, and it was him, also with his trips to Paris, London, Amsterdam, where he met many scholars - including Diderot and d'Alembert - with whom they then kept in correspondence, to act as a link between the illuminists of northern Italy and the main European scientists (Spallanzani, Lagrange, Condorcet ...). In 1768 he was in Vienna where he met the Kaunitz who took advantage of the fame he enjoyed to make him write also of canon law and above the jurisdictional disputes between the Church and the Empire (Reasoning over the temporal power of the princes and the spiritual authority of the Church). Back in Milan, when the Imperial College, where he lived, was destined for other use, Frisi left the congregation, but not the habit: Pius VI, in fact, in 1776 granted him the secularization: the judgment was different of two of his barnabite biographers Boffito refers to the justification put forward by Verri, while the Premoli sees an intolerance, after the triumphs in the scientific field, for "every dependence on superiors", for "every prescription of religious life" because "he for some time he lived more in the world than in the cloister ". But it will be feel sorry for oneself with and honored by the Barnabites, after his pious death witnessed by P. Racagni, which took place in Milan on 22 November 1784, with a sepulchral monument in Sant'Alessandro and a magnificent epigraph exalting its merits and its value. Also worthy of mention is the eulogy of his friend Verri. "He, with his example, with his lessons, with his writings, was the first who shook the nation from sleep ... he substituted for the scholastic notions the truths demonstrated; frivolous questions, the knowledge of heaven and earthly phenomena; to dialectic Arabic, the infallible calculation. (Information reported by internet)
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School in Naples.
The text contains the main mechanical disciplines mainly studied at the time in the Application Schools.

             I)      Of the Mechanics and the Statica that is of the general laws of the balance and the motion of the bodies. Book first;
first notions of motion, of the first laws of uniform and variable motion, compositions, serious, free descent of bodies, in curvilinear, pendulum, motion of projectiles, balance and center of gravity, theory and handling of simple and composed machines;
           II)      Static Architecture, ie the application of the previous principles to the theory of factories. Second book;
        III)      Of the principles, and of the uses of the hydrostatics, that is the laws of the equilibrium of the fluid bodies and of the leveling.Third Book;
        IV)      Of the principles of hydraulics. Book Fourth;
           V)      Of the hydrometry of the rivers, and of the channels. Book fifth;
        VI)      From the physical geography of rivers. Book sixth;
      VII)      Of the architecture of the rivers and streams. Seventh Book;
   VIII)      Of the architecture of the navigable canals. Eighth Book.

As is evident, the text deals with most of the problems of hydraulics. Only in the first book are considered some of the topics also present today in the texts of Mechanics Applied to Machines, such as systems for lifting loads.

2)      Year 1811--  J. Klostermann fils, Libreria dell’Ecole Imperiale Polytechnique – Parigi;
M. Hakette  --  Traité elementair des machines  --  (p. 452);
M. Hachette, teacher of the Polytechnic Imperial School, Paris.   
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School in Naples.

I)       Machines and forces applied to movement, Elementary machines, Animation forces, Force considerations
II)    First class hydraulic machines
III)  Second class hydraulic machines
IV)  Gear theory, cylindrical wheels, gear of a rack wheel.

3)      Year 1818  --  Libreria Quai Des Agustin - Bachelier;
FINBC,  A  XX  D  48;
Me. J. - Borgnis  --  Complete treaty of mechanics applied to the arts  --  (p. 287 + 26 graphical tables): contenant l’expositionParis;
Borgnis, engineer and member of several French Academies.
The text deals more with the manufacturing techniques of military machines, weapons, cannons. The first chapters are dedicated to the construction of building structures, (perhaps always related to the military sector).

V)    Machines of which civil architecture uses
1)      The strength of matter
2)      Manufacturing of bricks
3)      Pulverization of the different substances used in the arts that depend on civil architecture
VI)  Machines dependent on hydraulic architecture
1)      Poll
2)      Cleanup
3)      Extraction of submerged solid bodies
VII)            Military machines
1)      Old military machines
2)      Manufacture of white weapons (without gunpowder)
3)      Manufacture of firearms
4)      Manufacture of cannons
5)      Manufactures for spreading cannons
VIII)         Machines dependent on shipbuilding
IX)  Rope manufacture
X)    Manufacture of anchors
XI)  Rigid anchors

4)      Year 1828  -- Libreria Quai De Agustin, Bachelier – Paris;
C. A. Coulomb  --  Theory of simple machines with considerations on the friction of their parts and on the rigidity of the strings   --  (p. 368 + 18 illustrated tables)
 C. A. Coulomb, cavaliere di Savint- Luis, Capitano del Genio, of the institute of France, Member of the Legion of Honor.
The topic index could not be found.

5)      Year 1842  --  Libreria, Polytechique De J. Baudry - Paris;
Redtenbacher  --  Principes de la construction des organes des machines  -- (pag. 459);
F. Redtenbacher, professore all’Écolè Polytechique di Francia.
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School in Naples.

I)       Elasticity and resistance of materials
II)    Construction of machine parts
III)  Calculation of passive resistance
IV)  Gears
V)    Mechanisms of movement
VI)  Machines driven by human force 

6)      Year 1839   -- Library Quai Des Agustin Bachelier - Paris;
F. - M. G. de Pambour   --  Théorie De La Machine a Vapeur  --  (p. 420);
F. – M. G. de Pambour, in the text, he is mentioned as an elder of the écolé polytechnique of Paris.
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School in Naples.
The book is in French and is intended to prove the inaccuracy of the methods used to evaluate the effects of the proportions of steam engines; moreover, it is destined to replace a series of analytical formulas, apt to determine the speed of a given machine, its vaporization for desired effects, its strength in horses, its useful effect for a known consumption of water and fuel, the load or relaxation that needs to be given to him to make him produce his maximum useful effect.

I)       Evidence of the inaccuracy of ordinary calculation methods
II)    The laws that regulate the mechanical action of steam
III)  General theory of the steam engine
IV)  High pressure machines
V)    Locomotive machines
VI)  Double-acting rotary machines, by Watt
VII)      Double-acting Cornuvalies machines
VIII)   Woolly or Edwards machines
IX)  Evans machines
X)    Single-acting Watt machines
XI)  Single-effect Cornuvalies machines
XII)      Atmospheric machines

7)      Year 1852  --  Langlois & Leclerco / Victor Masson - Paris;
M. Ch. Delaunay  --  Elementary course of applied theoretical mechanics  --  (p. 691);
M. Ch. Delaunay, professor of mechanics at the École Polytechnique and the faculty of Analysis of Paris.
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School in Naples.
The book is in French; deals largely with the knowledge of the time, the general principles of mechanics related to motion and balance of solid bodies, liquids and so-called complex machines, such as kinematics systems of connection with elastic elements, with gears, with chains, the coupling of the rail wheel, also treats the first applications of systems for lifting the water "pumps", are widely treated (within the limits of the knowledge of the time) the hydraulic turbines, steam engines. A complete illustration of the mechanism or the machine is given to a complete discussion of the arguments, by means of a large number of drawings.

I)           General notions on movement
II)        General notions on forces
III)      Compositions of forces
IV)       Center of gravity of a body
V)         Study of different machines from the point of view of the balance of forces that are applied to them
VI)      Study of the machines in a state of uniform movement
VII)            Production and modification of the movement with the forces
VIII)         Passive resistances
IX)       Study of the machines in a non-uniform movement state
X)          Application of the principles prior to the study of any machine
XI)        General concepts on the transport of loads
XII)            General considerations on engines
XIII)         Principles related to fluid balance
XIV)         Principles related to the movement of fluids
XV)            Machines used to lift liquids
XVI)         Use of water as a motor
XVII)       Machines used to move the gas
XVIII)    Use of the wind as a motor
XIX)         Use of steam as a motor
XX)            Use of electricity as a motor

8)      Year 1854  --  Mantova publishers-typographers Fratelli Negretti - Mantova;
A. Clementi  --  Manual of Technical-Practical Mechanics for artists, professionals, owners etc. -- (p. 150  + 2 tables on the "graphic signs used in mechanics”);
Antonio Clementi Director of the Imp. Director of the Scuola Normale in Venice and member of various Scientific-Literary Academies.
From the timbre on the first sheet of text, the original location is visible: Library of Naples of the Faculty of Engineering.
It is a manual of mechanics, realized for those who do not have a solid mathematical base; it consists of two parts, the first deals with the laws of motion and the balance of bodies, the second of the machines. At the end of the book there is an appendix showing all the specific gravities of the fluids known at the time and two large plates with the illustration of all the symbols of the mechanics used during that period.

The study of mechanics has become today of no small importance to the man gathered in the civil society, much because it enables him to acquire the foundations of knowledge on many laws of nature, but because he has immense advantages in many professions, and in the use of the most common machines and tools: and not only prevents errors and slowness in many works, but it often leads well to useful discoveries and improvements aimed at employing in the world the most useful the various forces of which I am endowed or many bodies in nature, so as to satisfy the many needs and comforts of society with savings in spending, faculty and time. This restricted manual is therefore intended to disseminate useful knowledge of the sphere of mechanics among those who, for lack of a well-founded mathematical education, can not make use of rigorously scientific works on this subject. So we believed that we were not wrong, if we were able to deal with the most important truths of this science in an intelligible way to the greater class of readers, without however completely dispensing from demonstrations, where these were recognized as indispensable.
In the compilation of this work we had regard for the prefixed limits; as for the order and the exposition, we have tried to serve as much as possible to simplicity and clarity, as to the essential conditions to which every elementary book must satisfy.
There are two parts in which it is decided: the first deals with the laws of motion and the balance of bodies; the second of the machines. The appendix then includes a brief description of the steam engine in its principles, some on electricity and on how to set lightning rods; and for more known.
The paragraphs that contain the main definitions and the most important rules of mechanics, are marked with larger characters and can in themselves form a whole independent of the rest, which contains ancillary rules, demonstrations, warnings, etc. and which are indicated with minor characters.

Part one:
Laws of motion and the balance of bodies
I)        General laws of motion and balance of bodies
1)     Of Matter
2)     Of the motion itself without regard to the forces that produce it
3)     Of the forces apt to produce a motion
II)     Laws of the equilibrium and motion of liquid fluids
1)     Balance of liquid fluids
2)     The motion of liquid fluids
III)        Laws of the equilibrium and of the movement of expansible fluids
IV)        Laws of obstacles to motion
Second part
Laws of motion and balance of the machines
I)                  Of simple machines
II)                Of compound machines
A.    Expensive description of steam engines in its principles
B.     Brief history of steam engines
C.     Some notes on electricity and how to draw lightning rods
D.     Table of specific gravities of the most known solids and liquids

9)      Year 1860   --  Royal Military Typography - Naples;
Vincenzo A. Rossi  --  Mechanical, technical and practical principles of machine theory with a practical manual  --  (p. 936 + 17 tables);
Vincenzo A. Rossi, civil engineer and member of several academies.

I)                  Dalle forze e dai loro effetti in generale, dalla loro misurazione in natura e da cui trattarli, e dalle condizioni e vantaggi di una macchina nota
II)                Manual
1)      Definizioni e principi sulla meccanica in generale, sulla macchina in generale, sull'attrito, sulla rigidità delle funi della catena, sulla resistenza dei veicoli.
2)      Practical questions and rules or answers to solve
3)      Numerical tables
III)             From the transformation of movements and the transmission of forces
1)      Need to transform the movements in the machines to obtain the desired strength. How to design and study them.
(Following all the types of transformation of motions, from straight to circular, etc.)
IV)             Manual: for the transformation of movements and for the transmission of forces.

10)  Year 1861  --  Quai De Agustins Library - Paris;
J. N. Haton de la Coupilliere   --  Treaty of mechanisms   --   (p. 484);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.

I)                  Geometric theories (generalities, study of uniform transmissions)
II)                Variable transmission rollers (ellipse, hyperbole, parabolic)
III)             Slides (cylindrical, revolving, helical, double-acting)
IV)             Eccentric eccentric grooves (generalities, rectilinear grooves, uniform transmissions, sinusoidal transmissions)
V)                Eccentric to framework
VI)             Plans gears
VII)           Gears surfaces
VIII)        Gear trains
IX)             Epicycloidal gears
X)                Triangular gears
XI)             Transmission ratios, combination of movements
XII)           Parallelogram and joints
XIII)        Ropes
XIV)        Setting the destinations
XV)           Regulation of the mechanisms
XVI)        Dynamic indications
XVII)      Pressure Gauges
XVIII)   General properties of friction
XIX)        Usefulness of friction
XX)           Resistance to movement

11)        Year 1861 -- Scientific, industrial and agricultural library of E. Lacroin -
Ch. Laboulaye  --  Kinematics or theory of mechanisms  --  (p. 830);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.
Ch. Laboulaye, in the text he is cited as an elder of the écolé polytechnique.

I)             Basic principles, (on the motion of bodies)
II)           The simple machines
III)        Parts of the machines
IV)        Mechanical parts
V)           Movement transformation organs
VI)        Continuous circular motion in continuous circular (in continuous circular reference)
VII)      Constant speed ratio - parallel axes
VIII)   Variable speed ratio - parallel axes
IX)        Aces that meet
X)           Axes in space
XI)        Non-parallel axes
XII)      Continuous circular motion in continuous rectilinear (reference system with continuous rectilinear motion)
XIII)   Continuous rectilinear movement in continuous rectilinear
XIV)   Continuous movements and alternating movements:
XV)      Continuous circular motion in alternate circular
XVI)   Continuous circular movements in alternates rectilinears
XVII)  Continuous rectilinear movement in alternate circular
XVIII)   Continuous rectilinear movement in alternate rectilinear
XIX)   Circular movement alternating in alternate circular
XX)      Alternating circular motion in alternate rectilinear
XXI)   Continuous rectilinear movement in alternate rectilinear
XXII)  Combination of movements
XXIII)   Any movement in a curved movement
XXIV)   Combination of speeds
XXV) Movement modification organs: speed variation organs, movement regulation organs, organs of arrêt
XXVI)   Operators: vertical transport of heavy bodies, horizontal transport of heavy bodies
XXVII) Arrangement organs:
XXVIII)                      Useful machines

12)        Year 1861  --  Library publisher Bassermann - Mannheim;
F. Redtenbacher  --  Atlas of scientific and practical results for machine construction  --  (only graphic tables);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.
F. Redtenbacher : Director of the Polytechnic School of Carlruhe.
The text is composed of graphics only.

13)        Year 1862  --  Mallet-Bachellier, Imperial Library - Paris
A XIX C 11;
H. Resal   --   Treaty of pure kinematics  --   (p. 412);
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.
H. Resal, engineer de Mines, doctor and scientist.

                                     I)     Speed:
speed preliminary notions, speed, projection on one direction or plane, composition of simultaneous velocities, applications of the geometric composition of velocities;

                                   II)     Acceleration and its properties:
acceleration, projection on an axis, projection on a plane, composition of accelerations, application of acceleration composition, general theorem related to movement of a point;

                                III)     Geometric movement of invariable systems:
movement of translation and rotation, movement of an invariable system parallel to a fixed plane, general movement of an invariable system, composition of translation and rotation;

                                IV)     Acceleration in the movement of an invariable system:
acceleration in the plane movement on a plane, acceleration in the movement of an invariable system around a fixed point, acceleration in the general movement of an invariable system;

                       V)      Relative movement:
relative movement of a point with respect to an invariable system, super-acceleration (jerk) of the movement of a point, super-acceleration (jerk) in the movement of a flat figure, super-acceleration (jerk) in the movement of an invariable system around a fixed point, super-acceleration (click) in the general movement of an invariable system.

14)        Year 1866  --  Publisher Library J. Baudry, Paris et Liège (Paris, via Saintes Pères 15 / Liège, place Saint Paul 6)  -  Paris et Liège;
V. Dwelshauvers   --  Manual of applied mechanics  --  (p. 210 + 8 tables);
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.
Doctor, physical scientist and mathematician; repeater at the Mines Liège school

I)      Study Algorithm-speed: constant speed, uniform movement; variable speed, variable movement; uniform variable movement
II)    Geometric study - direction of movement: rectilinear movement, circular movement, any movement
III)  Speed composition and decomposition
IV)  Relative and comparative movements
V)    Movements of rigid figures
VI) Geometric studies - compositions and decompositions: competing axes, parallel axes, rotation components, non-parallel and non-competitor axes, acceleration, resistant movement
VII)      Theory of mechanisms
VIII)   Movement transmission by immediate contact
IX)  Transmission of the movement by flexible intermediary
X)    Movement transmission for rigid intermediary
XI) Trains or crews of elementary mechanisms and complex mechanisms
XII)      Searches for laws of movement

15)        Year 1868  --  Library publisher Bassermann, Heidelberg  - Paris;
F. Redtenbacher – Scientific and practical results for the construction of the machines  --  (p. 472);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.

I)       Arrangement of the different curves
II)     Calculation of surface and volume
III)  Pulleys
IV)  Rolled rough-hew to the laminate
V)     Gears
VI)  Piston guides
Resistance of materials
VII)           Absolute resistance
VIII)        Relative resistance
IX)  Reactive resistance
X)     Twist
XI)  Resistance of the mud
XII)           Tension of the blades
XIII)        Piegatura delle barre e delle lame
XIV)        Solids of equal strength
XV)           Comparison of the different sections
XVI)        Resistances of solids against living forces
XVII)      Coefficient of resistance and elasticity
Construction of machine organs
XVIII)    Rope
XIX)  Chains
XX)     Assembly screws
XXI)  Rivets
XXII)       Couplings of trees
XXIII)    Bearings
XXIV)    Pulleys
XXV)       Rollers and tension pulleys
XXVI)    Endless screw
XXVII)  Bearing chairs
XXVIII)     Levers elbows
XXIX)    Crank
XXX)       Crank axles
XXXI)    Traverse
XXXII)  Biella
XXXIII)     Outrigger
XXXIV)     Besants pour differente applicazione
XXXV)        Tuyaux
XXXVI)     Covers, limped to packaging
XXXVII)   Valves, faucets, pistons
XXXVIII)      Calculation results applied to the construction of Bàtimeuts
Friction between series of solid bodies stiffness of the ropes
XXXIX)           Friction coefficient
XL)     Calculation formulas for friction resistance
Hydraulic wheels
XLI)   Rules for the arrangement and construction of a water wheel
XLII)       Tracing the wheels
XLIII)     Norms for the construction of hydraulic wheels
XLIV)     Norms for calculating the useful effect of old hydraulic wheels
XLV)  Turbines
XLVI)     Turbines
XLVII)   Radial wheels
XLVIII)      Tangential wheels
Heat and its use
XLIX)     Pressure work
L)          The steam of water
Steam machines
LI)        Theoretical results
LII)     Practical results
LIII)   Steam machines flywheels
LIV)   Results for the practical determination of the dimensions of steam machines
LV)     Wind machines
Transportation for roads and lands
LVI)   Locomotive
LVII)       Steam wheels

16)        Year 1870  --  Imprimeur-Libreria, Gauthier-Villars della Scuola Imperiale Politecnico, (Quais De Agustin, 55)  -  Paris;
J. - V. Poncelet  --  Introduction to physical or experimental industrial mechanics  --  (p. 520 + 2 tables);
From the timbre on the first sheet of the text, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.
                                                 I)      General notions on the constitution and physical properties of the bodies;
                                               II)      Preliminary notions on movement, forces and their effect;
                                            III)      Movement information for constant driving forces;
                                            IV)      Direct information of the movement by general forces;
                                               V)      Resistances
                                            VI)      Rubbing of solids
                                          VII)      Fluid resistances

17)        Year 1872 – Library Dictionnaire of art and artifacts, 40 Rue Madame, 40 - Paris;
A. Taffe   --  Applications de la Mécanique aux machines  --  (p. 539);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
A.     Taffe, professor at the school of art and material, senior artillery officer, senior Chef.

I)        Notions fundamental on the movement, on the forces and at work;
II)     Notions concerning dynamic work;
III)   Applications of mechanics;
IV)   Notions of hydraulics practice;
V)     Applications of the mechanics to hydraulic wheels;
VI)   Steam machines;
VII)     Operating machines
VIII)   Experimental measurement of the work transmitted by a rotating axis;

18)        Year 1874  --  Gahutier-Villars Imperial Library - Paris;
J. – V. Poncelet   --  Course of mechanics applied to the machines  --  (p. 520);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Application School of Naples.

I)        General considerations on machines and movement
II)     Principle of the means that regulates the action of the forces on the machines and the transmission of the speeds with a determined ratio;
III)   Calculation of the passive resistances of the pieces in uniform movement, under sensibly invariable actions.
IV)   Influence of the variations of the velocities on the resistances;

19)        Year 1874 -- Libraio Editore Napoli in via Roma, and in Milan - Naples, Milan;
F. Reuleaux   --  General machines theory  --  (p. 539)
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
F. Reuleaux, author of the text, director of the Berlin school;
Giuseppe Colombo, professor of the Istituto Superiore di Milano.
This treatise by F. Reuleaux, the founder of modern kinematics, represents a milestone in applied kinematics. Already at the time of its publication in German it was recognized its importance, so much so that it was immediately translated into Italian, in Russian and, shortly thereafter, in French. Even today, the kinematics uses concepts developed in this work, as well as the terminology. Given the importance assumed by this author in the Mechanics Applied to the Machines it seemed appropriate to fully report the long preface of this work, as the author makes a review of the studies of kinematics hitherto existing indicating the critical aspects.

I)                  General ideas
1)      General laws of motion and balance of bodies
2)      Limits of the problem of mechanics
3)      The Machine science
4)      General solution of the problem of machines
II)                Feronomy theorem
1)      Preliminary considerations
2)      Relative movement in a plane
3)      Momentary rotation center or pole, polar polygon
4)      Polar trajectories, cylindrical rolling
5)      Tracing of the polar trajectories
6)      Rotation around a point
7)      Conical rolling
8)      General expression of the relative movement of solid bodies
9)      Roteation and rolling of surfaces rifled
III)             Pairs of elements
1)      Different kinds of element pairs
2)      Determination of the matching pairs
3)      Of the movements of the matching pairs
4)      Necessary and sufficient support of the elements
5)      Support against transport
6)      Support against rotation
7)      Contemporary support against rotation and transport
8)      Upper pairs of elements
9)      The bi-angle archilineum in the triangle
10)  Trajectories of the points of the archiline bi-angle with respect to the equilateral triangle
11)  Trajectories of the points of the triangle with respect to the archiline bi-angle
12)  Figures of constant width
13)  The equililateral archiline triangle in the rhombus
14)  Trajectories of the points of the archiline triangle with respect to the square
15)  Trajectories of the points of the square with respect to the archiline triangle
16)  Other archiline disks of constant width
17)  General determination of the profiles of the elements, given the law of movement
18)  First process. Research for the profile corresponding to another arbitrarily chosen profile
19)  Second process. Auxiliary polar trajectories
20)  Third process. Secondary polar trajectories considered to be generating profiles
21)  Fourth process. The trajectories of the points of the elements used as profiles
22)  Quinto processo Paralleli ed equidistanti ai rotoli utilizzati come profili
23)  Sixth process. Approximate tracing by means of circle arcs. Willis method
24)  Seventh process. The polar trajectories themselves used as profiles
25)  Generalization of the processes so far considered.
IV)             Couples of non-independent elements
1)      Closures of the couples through sensitive forces
2)      axial movement to forces closing
3)      Kinematic dactyl elements
4)      The Springs
5)      Closures of element pairs through the kinematic chain
6)      Complete kinematic closure of the ductile elements
V)                Non-independent kinematical chains
1)      Dead spots in the mechanisms. Way to separate them by sensitive forces
2)      Dead center passage by couple closure
3)      Closure of the kinematic chains by means of pairs for elements
VI)             A look at the history of machine development
1)      Origin and progress of the machines
2)      Kinematic principle of the improvement of the machines
3)      Development of the modern machine
4)      Impelling motives to the development of the machines
VII)           Kinematic symbolic language
1)      Need for a symbolic language in kinematics
2)      Language attempts made up to now
3)      Different kinds of symbols to be adopted
4)      Species symbols
5)      Shape symbols
6)      Relationship symbols
7)      Notation of kinematic chains and simple mechanisms
8)      Abbreviated writing
9)      Writing of composite chains
10)  Notation of chains with pressure organs
11)  Concentrated notation of individual mechanisms
VIII)        Cinemantic analysis
1)      Purpose of the kinematic analysis
2)      Couples called simple machines
3)      The quadrilateral with a cylindrical crank
4)      The parallel cranks
5)      The antiparallel cranks
6)      The chain of the cylindrical thrust crank
7)      The isosceles crank chain
8)      Extension of the pins in the chain of the thrust crank
9)      The cross-shaped glyph chain
10)  The chain of the crank of thrust, deflected
11)  Summary of the cylindrical crank mechanisms
12)  The quadrilateral with a conical crank
13)  Decrease in the number of members of a kinematic chain
14)  Increase of the numbers of a kinematic chain
IX)             Analysis of crank capsulism
1)      Concatenation of crank mechanisms with pressure organs
2)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the rotary push handle
3)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the isosceles rotary crank handle
4)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the oscillating glyph crank
5)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the rotary glyph crank
6)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the oscillating thrust crank
7)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the rotary cross glyph crank
8)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the rotary cross glyph
9)      Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the rotary handle with an archilinear thrust
10)  Crank-shaped capsulism deriving from the double rotary crank
11)  Capsulism deriving from conical mechanisms
12)  Capsulism deriving from the rotary cross joint crank
13)  Capsulism deriving from the oscillating joint
14)  Capsulism deriving from the rotary cross joint
15)  Capsulism deriving from the oscillating joint
16)  A glance in the results previously obtained

X)                Analysis of the constructive elements of the machines
XI)             Analysis of the constructive elements of the machines
1)    Composition of the machines by means of construction elements
2)    Screws and screw connections
3)    Biette and connections to biette
4)    Nails and riveting, hot connections
5)    Pins, axles, trees
6)    Couplings
7)    Supports, chairs, castles
8)    Ropes, straps and chains
9)    Clutch wheels, belt and rope transmissions
10)  Toothed wheels, chain wheels
11)  Steering wheels
12)  Levers, cranks, connecting rods
13)  Crossbars, or crossed heads, and guides
14)  Wheels of stop and pawls
15)  Retrograde movement in flowing stops
16)  Arpioni
17)  Brakes
18)  Grafts
19)  Summary of engine start-up and stop methods
20)  Tubes, steam and pump cylinders, plungers and boxes to tow
21)  Valves
22)  Springs considered as machine elements
23)  Consequences of the previous analysis
XII)           Analysis of the complete machine
1)    Current dominant ideas
2)    The operator
3)    Kinematic meaning of the operator
4)    The receiver
5)    Kinematic meaning of the complete machine
6)    Driving machines and operating machines
7)    The special arts of the complete machine. Descriptive analysis
8)    Examples of descriptive analysis of complete machines
9)    Meaning of the machine for society

The following considerations are intended to discuss the various aspects under which machines are generally presented in order to determine, among many, the real point of view from which one must study. We therefore understand them: Basic principles of a general theory of machines. The science of the composition of the machines, or kinematics, is divided into two parts, theory and applied. Now it is the theoretical part that forms the object of this publication; it only deals with establishing the principles that serve as a basis for the applications of science; and differs essentially, in large part, from the commonly accepted theories. Being purely theoretical research, I should seem to count only on the interest of people of science. However, theory and practice are not antitheses, as often tacitly assumed; the theory, when the real practice is wandering in a field disclosed by science, it is not necessarily contrary to the practice, nor practice at the theory, although this may sometimes happen, it can only agree with the theory, if the latter is exact. The axiom, so popular, of the antagonism between empiricism and theory; it will always remain; and the greater the progress of the theory, the more earthly the empirical processes will lose in their struggle with theoretical methods. To these methods the practical instructor and lover of progress can never remain indifferent; nevertheless it can happen that he maintains for some time on the reserve. But the theoretical questions in question are of such nature that they forcefully impose themselves; I therefore have the hope that, in addition to theoretical specialists, even practical ones will want to take an interest in this new direction; and I feel the duty towards both of them to explain to them the reasons for which I have abandoned the ways of seeing so far in use and I have believed I must replace you with others. Attempting to merge the science of machine composition on new foundations, I do so in the belief that this is worth it, if it leads to a real advantage in the study of machines. Now I think I can safely promise. Whoever has understood a machine better, who has penetrated more deeply into his inner essence, is more able to profit from it.

Here it is not just a matter of giving a new form to principles already known and discussed, nor of substituting new subdivisions and new nomenclatures to the ancient ones. Perhaps with such modifications it will be possible to treat the matter with greater ease or elegance; but for practical use one can still use the known methods for a long time. No: the new theory, if it wants to pretend to arouse general interest, must provide the possibility of producing something new: it must make soluble the problems that so far with the systematic methods have remained absolute. Now we can say that this will happen when it succeeds in giving a truly scientific form to the kinematics of machines, even in its simplest propositions. Actually, in a certain sense, this subject has also been dealt with up to now in a scientific way, that is to say limited to those parts that presented themselves to mathematical analysis. Only this happened as we said, for some parts, but not for complex and much less regarding the intimate existence of the subject: the theoretical nature of the treatment is a simple matter of mathematics or mechanics, but not of kinematics. The latter has remained, in its substance and in its fundamental principles, still inexplicated and only by chance can it be cleared in some special point. It can be compared to a tree which, grown up in a tower, pushed its branches as far as it could; where they have been able to soak in air and light, they are leafy and flourishing; but the trunk bears nothing but twigs and wilted germs. The mathematical analysis searches, with all the apparatus of scientific means, the properties of a given mechanism; and in this sense it has accumulated a rich material, which later will not only be useful, but will even increase in value. However what has not yet been studied and the other side, the most important side of the problem, that is to say the question, is unmistakable:How did you get to the mechanism and its elements? What is the law that governs the process by which the mechanism is combined? is it first of all starting a law for similar processes? Or one must simply accept what inventive genius presents to us and therefore it is not for science to analyze what it has found, in the same way that we proceed in natural history. So far this system of attempts has been exclusively followed: to penetrate further, behind the scenes, there are only traces. In consequence, in the study of machines, we came to this singular result that we worked with great resources around the products of the inventive faculty of man, that is of thought, without knowing the process by which thought itself created them. Because of this strange consequence, which would not easily be admitted in other branches of exact science, it happens that even if it does not know how to say openly, it is also tacitly acknowledged that the inventive faculty is a kind of divination, the result of a higher inspiration. There is a certain respect for a person when it is said that he has invented such or such a machine. When we must study or teach the thing without another at the process of its creation.
When, for example, we take into consideration, according to the methods used so far, the well-known parallelogram that Watt invented for his steam engine, or those of Evans, Reichenbach, etc. we find nothing else to do after having classified them, than to look for the laws of the movement to which these mechanisms obey, to determine the best method to build them, and at most, to establish their mutual relations. As we then leave in discussion, despite the interest that it may arouse. We try, it is true, to spy on the genius in the depths of his thought, but we do it rather out of curiosity than through study. Yet it would seem, from what was said, that we might venture another step that would be of essential importance. Tentiamolo. Watt left us, in some of his letters, some clues over the mental process that led him to design the parallelogram. The idea, he writes, he was born in November 1805 to his son in the following way. Having found that the double chain, the toothed arch and the 'false teeth' were improper means of transmitting the movement of the plunger rod to the barbell, I set myself to find if it were not possible to succeed by means of movements around axles; and, after some time, it occurred to me that, if AB and CD cone two equal arms oscillating at the centers B and C and assembled with an AD rod, they could deviate, in their movement along arcs of a certain length equal and in the sense contrary to the straight line, and that therefore point E would describe an almost straight line; as well, if, for convenience, the CD arm were to be half shorter than the AB, the same result would be obtained by bringing the point E more towards D.
Fig. 12

From here originated the construction that was later called the parallelogram. Although I am not excessively vain, I am also more proud of my parallelogram than of any other mechanical invention I have made.
Although this letter is interesting, even if it is examined closely, it mystifies us, as must have mystified the one to whom it was directed. We learn, it is true, the reason and some results of the research done, but we can not discover the method followed. Where we also consider that this narration is made 24 years after the invention, and that therefore, in the natural confusion between reflection and remembrances, it could not accurately reproduce the original concept. Much more naturally, Watt expresses himself in an original letter. Much more naturally Watt expresses himself in a letter Boulton in 1874, in which he communicates his first idea; I have made a new idea, he writes: The idea of a method was born, by means of which the rod of a piston can be vertically directed in its reciprocating movement, only by attaching it to a piece of iron on the barbell, without chains , without vertical guides, without sectors or other heavy pieces at the head of the barbell, without considerable friction. With this arrangement, when it responds entirely to my expectation, you can save 5 feet in height in an 8-foot running car, which is important to me; and it may very well serve both single-effect machines and double-effect machines. I have done as a test a small model, but it did not yet work for the construction .. no less do not say anything until I have the patent. If one now examines the description attached to the patent, there are no less than six straight-motion guide systems, including vertical guides, sectors, etc. in that letter condemned; two of these systems refer to the two different forms that the mechanism can take. It is regrettable that one of the six systems, which conduct the true parallelogram of Watt, has not been able to take advantage of it; it escaped completely afterwards, which is understandable when one thinks of that coarse set of wooden beams and pieces of iron, roughly beaten, which then had to constitute an elegant mechanism. We see that even a thinker like Watt can not explain the true primitive concept of his invention. But we observe, however, that in the crowd of ideas that must to be present to the mind of the inventor a concept always takes place from above progressively. Success inspires us so much more esteem as the inventor proceeded in a completely virgin field. But we find no trace of divination, of sudden inspiration; after some time I fell into my mind the words of the inventor; and they clearly demonstrate that the invention must have proceeded from uninterrupted research, from a continuous application of thought. Newton to those who asked him how he came to the law from universal gravitation, he replied: I continued to think of it without interruption. Even Géthe has been able to effectively express this idea with the phrase: What is invention is the result of what you are looking for. Certainly the links linking the successive concepts of the inventor with us are almost entirely hidden: we must first reconstruct them . The whole appears to us like a picture that has just been sketched or already canceled halfway; and the painter himself could barely give better reason than what we ourselves could do. The comparison is indeed appropriate in more than one point. In every new field open to the creative faculty of the spirit, the inventor proceeds like the artist. With a light foot the genius hovers over the airplanes buildings that he, on new foundations, goes hand in hand in his mind. Inventors and artists are sometimes not allowed to ask about the life they have traveled. Similar considerations to previous ones can be made on the history of secular inventions, where one sees the thought of entire generations occupied in some new research. The invention of the steam engine, for example, lasted a century, without making further progress except those allowed by the contemporary development of the physical sciences. with the school of Gallico, when the laws of the fall of the grave were the ray of light that tore the school mists spread over all the sciences, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the method of observation began, with the progress of which is closely linked the invention, with the progress of which the invention of the steam engine is closely connected. It is not by chance that it was born where art had reached such an eminent development; because in a fertile soil, art and science flourish together. It would almost seem that the Pisans had built their marble tower out of their squarely for Galileo's experiences of falling bodies. In Florence in 1643, Torricelli, a pupil of Galileo, young but mature in age, discovers the weight of the atmosphere: at the moment rises a battle, a universal clamor to save the horror of the void and with it the science in wig threatened by the foundations. The center of gravity of the controversy and of the new research is carried out in 1646 by Tuscany in France, where Pascal examines the issue and after a short time passes in the field of innovators. He made on the Puy-de-Dòme in 1648 the first and memorable experience of measuring the heights with the barometer: it was decisive and the bells of Munster and Osnabruk celebrated the triumph of the young science. Later the geographic line traveled by the center of activity of the new science takes place to the north-west, to Germany, in the country of electors. The Tilly could not destroy the life of the spirit in Magdeburg. Here Otto di Guerieke introduces, in 1630, a new element in the question of the day, that is the force that corresponds to atmospheric pressure. He demonstrates this in a scientific and popular way with the pneumatic machine and other devices of experience. From all the parts the means are sought to use, with the formation of the vuto, the powerful pressure that exerts the atmosphere. for a long time you do not succeed: in the end, in 1696, the solution is found by Papin in Marburg: the condensation, that is, of water vapor in a cylinder with a plunger. The steam engine, was invented, Papin, a true scientist who, tending the problem in very different ways, was the author of the steam engine. But his machine was still very imperfect and impractical: the fruitful principle that had created it needed to go from the theoretical field and the Latin treatises in real life. Papin, too nsecure, was unable to do it; he did not succeed in his first attempts, and his large steam cylinder still remains incomplete, like a monument, in the courtyard of the Cassel museum. But his concept passed beyond the Machine in Englandwhere he immediately entered the practical field. Neurcomen and Cawley, two workers, make a practical machine in 1705 of the Papin apparatus, turn it into a steam pump and apply it successfully to the mines service.
The inventive spirit, however, rests after that era, exhausted as it was after the effort of the previous years. Indeed, rest was inevitable, because scientific materials were lacking to progress. Too little was known of heat, this indispensable agent; we could not even measure it. First of all it was necessary to perfect the thermometer, that thermodynamics would make an essential progress. Then appears Watt, around 1763, with his overbearing genius, which leads to the highest degree of perfection the steam engine, surrounds it with a series of mechanical and kinematic inventions and at the same time enriches the branches of science that relate. From then on, the applications and improvements of the machine extend and follow each other without pause, with the help of a thousand intelligences and thousand hands, up to nowadays in which it can be said to be perfect and it becomes the property of all. In these few steps I have been silent about everything that Hombold calls the deaf struggle of the right to property. One could almost induce from this summary magazine that the development of ideas was naturally made by itself, where the sudden progress made after long intervals did not reveal the action of superior spirits and did not convince us more and more of the influence of genius in refinement of human culture. At the same time, however, we see an idea developing from the other, like the leaf from the germ, the fruit from the flower, precisely as the elements that prepared it. I believe I have shown in the foregoing that in every invention there is always a logical progression, more or less apparent, of ideas. At least it is apparent, how much the higher we place the inventor in our admiration; and these, in fact, deserve much greater appreciation, at least material, as less aid has been found available. Nowadays, in which the technician has undergone such a great mass of scientific means, progress is frequently made which are, in absolute terms, of the greatest importance; they are not as much appreciated as they were in previous ages. All of this is within our reach in the simplest and most natural world, and even mediocre spirits can understand and create. But the important inventions in relative line, allowed that to the superior spirits, they also have a far greater scope than before, and this explains the almost feverish development to which we now assist in the technical field. It is the consequence not of a more robust creative power of our generation, but of the improvement and diffusion of the instruments of intelligence. These, like the tools of modern mechanical workshops, are in a thousand ways increased: the men, who work with them, have remained the same. Let us now return to the subject proposed to us and examine historically more closely what has been done so far in theoretical kinematics. I do not fear the reader that I want to raise the dust from the old sheets here, to build the foundation of a new science on dry land. We will merely try to follow the first steps of thought in the subject that deals with it; but in this research we will not have to stop the quiet of the ancient volumes. Once one considered each machine as a whole, made up of the organs that were its own; those groups of organs we call mechanisms escaped entirely to the scientist's eye, or were barely glimpsed. A mill was a mill, a pile, a pile, and nothing else. This is why each machine is described from the beginning to the end in the oldest books. Thus, for example, in 1588 Ramelli describes several pumps driven by hydraulic wheels, as if they were always new things, from the wheel motor channel, or even from the river, to the pump outflow tube. The concept, hydraulic wheel, is certainly quite apparent, similar wheels are found everywhere; only the idea of ​​the pump and therefore also the word that denotes it is still missing completely. In reality, in order to ascend from the details of an object to a general concept, a certain work of thought must precede it: it is precisely what distinguishes the scientific progress of the thought of the common process. For the first time in 1724 we find the Leupold a distinction between individual mechanisms and machines, which are studied for themselves and only in terms of their different applications. Further on, thought does not extend yet. This is explained by the fact that at that time machines had not yet been consecrated a special division of science; it still fell into the domain of physics, taken in the broadest sense. The first polytechnic school in Paris is founded, in 1794 and we see the division, already begun previously, between the theory of mechanisms and the general theory of machines. This division ties up to the famous names of Monge and Carnet. The new branch of science appears as a subdivision of the Descriptive Geometry, to which, however, it gradually escapes from hand. Behind the traces provided by Monge, Hachette, called to this teaching, it designs and then in 1806 begins to carry out a program, which in 1808 Lanz and Bétancourt complete in their Essai sur la composition des machines. Monge had designated the means of transforming the movement as elements of machines. Under this name of means he meant mechanisms, and from this point of view he founded the classification of mechanisms on the possible combinations of four elementary modes of movement, ie continuous and alternative rectilinear, and continuous and alternative circular. As a result, ignoring the repetitions, the following ten classes, containing the mechanisms for the transformation of the movement segments: Rectilinear continuous in continuous rectilinear, alternative rectilinear, continuous circular, alternative circular. Continuous circular in alternate straight, continuous circular, alternative circular. Alternative straight line in alternative straight line, alternative circular. This scheme or system as one wishes to call it, can be extended, and it was in fact in the 2nd edition of 1819 with the introduction of other elementary movements, that is of the continuous and alternative curvilinear movement, which gives rise to 21 classes instead of twenty . But the principle is not changed point; and it continued to be, with minor modifications, generally applied until today and had the sanction of universal approval. Hàchette himself, who had collaborated in the work of Lanz, also accepted this system unconditionally in his Traité élèmentaire des machines appeared for the first time in 1811. Borgnis in his Trite complet de mècanique 1818 is less satisfied with it, in fact in a sense he moves away from it; he treats the argument in a more general way than his predecessors and proposes a division of the machine organs into six classes. They are the receivers, the communicators, the modifiers, the supports, the regulators and the operators. He does not care to consider transformations as a fundamental principle, but he preferably uses them for subdivisions. Moreover, his system has never been considered as opposed to that of Monge; its classification appears rather destined to the general theory of machines and more or less appropriate for it. Some distinctions of the Borgnis scheme entered the public domain: they are those of receiver, transmission and operator, which from the splendid works of Coriolis and Poncelet were erected to fundamental columns, almost to articles of faith of the modern machine theory. At this point I must already note, even in danger of being suspected of heresy, that these fundamental principles of machine theory need to be essentially modified. May the venerable Nestor of applied mechanics forgive me: "Amicus Plate, sed magis amica veritas". We will then provide the means to examine these fundamental principles. But it is already evident that such principles can not fall outside the field of mechanism theory, since they have such an important part in the study of the movements of the original machines. Borgnis' work is out of order; his classifications of machines and their organs have brought little fruit: they offer the reader little more than a passably ordered scientific work. Yet we will see later on that underneath some of the principles containing it there is more than one has ever believed to find there. The 1830 marks a noticeable change of direction in the theory of mechanisms, whose fundamental principles underwent for the first time a critical examination, in a more philosophical sense, by the famous physicist Ampèrè places the science created by Monge and Carnet in the rank of the sciences third-order system in its scientific classification system and establishes its boundaries. He takes his starting point from Lanzai's Essai and observes: it (this science) must not define, as has always been done, a machine as an instrument through which one can change the direction and intensity of a given force; but rather as an instrument, with which the direction and speed of a given movement can be changed. He would like to banish the name of force in all the considerations that refer to it, and continues: To this science, in which the movements are considered for themselves, in the same way that we examine them on the bodies that surround us and especially in those devices that we call machines, I gave the name of Kinematics from the Greek Kivηuα (movement). He makes vows for this science to be the object of special treatises, from which he promises himself the most useful results: but he himself has not gone further. Ampère's appeal was not sterile, since in France the kinematics was introduced in many institutes as a separate course, and the bibliography of this subject soon became very rich. The name proposed by Ampère found in France the most favorable reception and even outside it became more or less familiar. However, the light was not yet made, neither on the scientific delimitation of the subject, nor on its true address. The largest and most original work published later was the treatise of Willis, Principles of Mechanisms, an excellent book published after 1840, full of examples taken from applied kinematics and new ideas about their intimate relationships. Willis moves away from the Monge system; he observes that the outline of Lanzai's Essai, which is at odds with its scientific appearance, is nevertheless a popular classification. In Lanz and Betancourt he finds a contradiction with the definition of Ampère, as they have included in the Ampere category, as they have included in the category of mechanisms hydraulic wheels, windmills, etc. while he would like to consider as pure mechanisms only those that are formed of solid bodies. He emphasizes his own essential that these mechanisms have to change both in size and in the direction of the relationship of the movements that take place in the machines to actually determine, even in size and direction, these movements, according to the concept of Monge. As these properties are both constant, or both variables, the mechanisms fall into the corresponding class of the three, in which Willis divides them and which in turn include some subdivisions according to the nature of the means used for the transmission of the movement. In Willis's considerations, which in any case bear the imprint of an acute spirit and an investigator, there is much truth; but there are also many more things it is a remarkable fact that the classification of Willis has not thrown into his own homeland, which indeed gradually fell back into the path traced by Lanz, preserving himself until the present. Also in Italy the seed thrown by Ampère has brought excellent results. Giulio0 has linked to his homeland a precious legacy in his Kinematics applied to the arts, a manual for technical schools and published for the first time in 1847 under a different title. The author recreates the kinematics of mechanics with great talent; after all, he follows the Willis almost faithfully, not without trying to readmit the hydraulic machines he has excluded: an attempt, which has only an incomplete success. There is a hint throughout the book, a spirit so far, all the more worthy of observation, since the book supposes in readers only an elementary mathematical culture expression of what many books reveal, in which the devices of the mathematical machine are noisily worked. In 1949 Laboulaye also responded to Ampère's appeal, and in his Cinematique he began to lay the theory of mechanisms on solid foundations. He decisively rejects the principle of Willis to limit himself only to the mechanisms formed of solid bodies, and shows how Ampère asked when he wanted to categorically exclude forces from the kinematics. In addition, he starts from new and more general bases, dividing the elements of the machines into three classes he calls: lever system, lathe system, plan system according to which one, two or three or more points of a moving body are maintained properties. These systems do not answer the question, and we will try it at the right time; their own author could not make any truly decisive application, feeling without a doubt that they were too inadequate: on the contrary, he returned again in the applied kinematics, to the Lanz scheme with appropriate subdivisions. He goes along, which aims to reconstruct a priori the classification of Monge and to show that it is the true and essential basis of everything. With these philosophical researches, Laboulaye has not rendered any service to the theoretical kinematics: indeed the apparently convincing form of the reasoning members has diverted others from further research in this sense. This a priori reconstruction can be applied to the movement of a point but not to the movement of a body or points system. Laboulaye's book is indeed very practical, and without any doubt contributing to the diffusion of many useful cognitions, in the practical part it nonetheless retains to a large extent the most diligent work of Willis, of which he even reproduces errors. Also Morin has assembled in a small volume (1851), destined for elementary teaching, the fundamental principles of kinematics: in the later editions this operetta was published under modern appearances, it is written in a very rational way and contains several excellent fundamental ideas; overall, however, it complies with the Monge scheme. In the period of time, which we have discussed so far, nothing can be said in Germany for the progress of theoretical kinematics. Weisbach, in his article: in the encyclopedia of Hulsse 1841 follow the classification of Lanz, his extensive scientific activity had taken, as is well known a quite different direction. Something new could be expected from Redtenbacher, who had also been busy with the mechanisms for a long time. In fact, with his eminent philosophical intelligence he became aware of the defects of the Monge system; but absent-minded at first of the studies on the construction of the machines, for which he created a special branch of science, later by his work on mechanical physics, he dismissed the system, but did not replace anything new. He issued the opinion that a rational classification of mechanisms was not possible and that they should rather be ordered according to their practical application, following in all the rest, as is natural, mathematical procedures. We can see traces of this opinion in the valuable work of Redtenbacher (1857) in which it describes the collection of kinematic models of the school of Caslsruhe, and makes it the theory. This work, although not systematic, is also very widespread in Germany; which demonstrates the keen interest that technicians of this country attach to theoretical research on this subject. Meanwhile, in France, in the field of geometry, an important movement had been produced due to the influence it had on the development of the kinematics. Chasles, and above all Poinsot, resumed and further developed the method, already adopted by Euler in the last century, to study the movement of solids from the geometric point of view. The Rotation Theory of Poinsot's bodies and his Thèorie des comès circulaires roulants gave a strong impetus to the introduction of geometric methods in the study of mechanisms. Euler's theorems, which until then had been considered as interesting only from the theoretical point of view, became, by the French authors, fundamental theorems of great importance. They infused new life into this science, which has become almost stationary. In this order of ideas the Elements de géométrie appliquèe à la transformation du mouvement of Girault (1858), the Cinèmatique of Bélanger (1864) and the Traitè des mècanismes of Haton (1864); in the first two the theoretical geometric part is especially developed, in the last one we try to apply the theory to the study of the mechanisms. Although these books are all valuable and important, when they come down in the field of applications they do not know how to overcome the old difficulty of classification. All three deviate from that of Monge, since the insufficiency of the old system seemed too obvious, considering in the light of new ideas; however, everyone draws on it with a more or less happy outcome. They present considerable divergences from one another and oscillate between Mongue and Willis, but always with some variations. Girault and Bélanger base their classifications on the nature of the transformation of movement, which each considers different aspects; the different transmission means then form the object of as many subdivisions; Bélanger is based, like Willis, on the SPEED REPORTS. Haton recognizes the defects of the old system and shows, for example, how in it, to classify the toothed wheels rationally, they should be distributed in each of the 21 classes of mechanisms; he takes the downside, and takes the nature of the means of transmission as the basis of his classification. It thus succeeds in forming nine classes, of which the first six are: the rollers, the guides, the eccentrics, the toothed wheels, the connecting rods and the belts; the last three are united under the fatal name of appareils accessories. What a third part of the whole subject is like is a footnote added to it. This new trend, which gave rise to other works that we will pass in silence, has not therefore led to unify the kinematics under a single concept. The uncertainty that prevailed in this subject had a bad influence in France. The authors inclined towards the theory were persuaded that in the field of applications there was nothing to be done. They divided the nihilism of Redtenbacher on this subject; and thus the division of pure kinematics was born from the applied kinematics. This tendency is due to the book by Resal, Cinematique pure, which shows how, following this path, the problems of kinematics are necessarily transformed into problems of pure mechanics. Another fruit of this uncertainty was a new special branch of science that tried to make its way and that deserves to be mentioned; this is the so-called automatic, that is the theory of the way to realize through mechanisms of the relations of motion expressed by means of mathematical formulas. This attempt to establish a new branch of science is due to engineer E. Stamm; he maintains the division of pure and applied kinematics, and adds a new subdivision: the automatic (Essai sur l'automatique pure, 1863). Stamm has acquired a real merit for his studies on a special issue of kinematics, ie the kinematics of the automatic spinning machine (Self-avting); merit that spinning specialists know how to appreciate now. His attempt to do, of the automatic, a separate science, however, can not be considered practical, because in reality it can not exist alone; it is only a part of the synthetic processes that are based on the theorems of kinematics, and therefore is inseparable from this science. We have reached the end of our literary magazine. On the one hand, we have found only an unsatisfactory confusion of attempts always circumventing in the same circle of ideas; how many are the authors, but the opposite is tested and tried again; and in the end, after having accumulated so much scientific material, it is possible to conclude the science, whose limits were traced by Ampère, in two, even in four different sciences; as if it were one of those infusoria that propagate by splitting. On the other hand, however, we must make this consoling observation that the prevailing ideas gradually acquire in time, in sharpness and precision, as well as that the research methods, like the mechanisms studied, have subsequently grown in number. The two sides of the question, the theoretical and the practical, continued to be considered separately, without ever merging the theory with practice. The cause of all this must be sought only in the systems, since the applications themselves, the mechanisms themselves have been perfected and increased in practice through new inventions, without suffering for the lack of a safe and reliable theory. The theories that have existed until now have not contributed to this development, except for the forms of some organs, for example gear teeth, etc.; no new mechanism owes its origin to any theory. This circumstance is worthy of consideration; it gives the reason for the tenacity with which the practical ones, even when they take into account the theoretical results, always fall, despite the opportunity presented by so many new theories, in Monge's old theory which seems to them the most natural of them all. This fact is proved by the technical journals of each country. I believe thereby that I felt the need for reform. It is now a question of knowing in what is properly the weak point of the theoretical ideas prevailing up to now. In the first place, the classification of Monge, however natural it may seem, is not appropriate to the essence of the subject. If it were, as are the classifications of Linnaeus and Cuvier of the organic kingdoms of nature, he would be able to take root, as these did Linnaeus and Cuvier. After all, the tenacity with which the practitioners adhere to it, comes precisely from the confused idea that it is founded on the nature of things. But in fact it is not so. Supposed also that everything must be reduced to the distribution of the mechanisms in various classes, the division based on the nature of the transformations of movement, must however be rejected, because it draws infinite repetitions. Almost all the mechanisms belong to at least two, the most from four to six and even to ten and fifteen classes; for in fact they can be used, and they are actually in practice, for such a number of transformations in movement. The Willis, very severe towards himself, shows himself persuaded by the need for rational distribution, but on the other hand he gives so little confidence in the solidity of the principle he took as a basis for his classification,that this is very little based on the classification, that this is very little persuasive. Since he wishes to adhere strictly to the principle of speed relations, he is obliged to place very different mechanisms alongside one another. And since on the other hand many mechanisms can serve to obtain different speed ratios, it is also obliged to introduce many repetitions. Other objections can be raised against the classifications of Laboulaye, Girault, Bélanger, Haton, etc., both in general and in particular, since a true science can not be allowed to act arbitrarily in six or eight ways. The reason therefore of the inadequacy of the various systems is to be found not in the classifications themselves but in something deeper. It depends, as already indicated, on the fact that no one knew how to go back far enough back to principles, to primitive ideas; it began to classify without having analyzed the objects of classification very intimately enough. In forming a science it is not allowed to enter directly into the heart of the subject, but it is necessary, following the example of mathematics, to go back to the simplest principles, based on axioms. This will be clearly seen, examining how one proceeds in a particular case with ordinary methods. For example, we began by considering the transformation of a rectilinear movement into another straight one, without asking ourselves what the origin of this first rectilinear movement was, how it had taken place and how it was produced. To cite a particular case, Hachette and Lanz deal first with the so-called fixed pulley. The rectilinear movement of the descending cable section is, they say, transformed into another straight pure movement of the that rises cable section. But what we do not learn is why the first movement is straight. Nor is it true that this movement must necessarily be so, since it is perfectly possible to stretch the descending cable section in any dissent, without in any way altering the nature of the mechanism, provided that the rope always remains taut. On the other hand, the movement of the descending rope is transformed first into the circular movement of the points of the pulley and of the small section which embraces it, and only later in the movement of the rising section. So even the first problem goes out of the limits traced in the scheme. The movement of the stretch of rope that rises is as indeterminate as that of the descending stretch; one can therefore see how many inaccuracies are already accumulated in the first example. We observe in passing that the study of this mechanism requires very complicated theoretical considerations, as we will show later in the text. It often happens that a very simple mechanism can not be properly studied, if not by means of complicated considerations; sometimes the opposite also happens. But, in any case, to understand and study scientifically even the simplest apparatus, one should not neglect to cover the whole series of more general ideas from which they derive, so as to arrive at establishing truly general theorems. Although this seems difficult and also not very useful at first glance, it is nonetheless indispensable; having neglected to do so is the reason why none of the theories proposed so far by the various authors has managed to take hold. All have so far been limited to doing what I have already shown to be erroneous, to deal with simple or apparently such mechanisms, which came out of the inventor's hands, whether it be a known inventor, or a losing tradition in the darkness of history. The examination of these obscure traditions offers the scholar of the kinematics subject of singular considerations. I must restrain myself for now from developing this attractive subject more widely, which I will do more extensively later; I do not want to omit an observation, however. In historical times, in which we can trace up to the first origin of the invention of machines, we find applied in different places mechanisms of different nature, which include both quite complicated machines and simpler arrangements that just deserve the machine name. This is not the place to discuss which criterion is convenient for judging the difficulties which their inventors had to overcome; it is enough to indicate that they appear in different places independent of each other. Among these primitive machines are, for example, the rollers, through which the Egyptian builders transcribed their monoliths; the Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Indians had wagons of wood and metal, for transport and for war, since time immemorial; the water wheels were in use in ancient Mesopotamia and in Egypt, as well as in China, India and Central Asia; the toothed wheels were known to the Greeks; as well as the screw, the size and some lever mechanisms, etc. Some of these inventions were transmitted to these peoples by tradition, others originated in the very ground where we rebuilt them and where they had already been preceded by the necessary preliminary knowledge. All were the product of the inventive faculty of man, and sometimes they were so ingenious, that they regarded themselves as a gift from the gods. But they are always the result of laborious studies, but they are due to a process of thought that only gradually reaches the goal. It follows that even today such mechanisms should be found again by means of the same procedure. This is the task that the theoretical kinematics in which I propose first of all. Until it arrives to analyze in this way the elements and the mechanisms of the machines, even without the help of the history of inventions, it can not pretend to the name that a vulgar empiricism, which struts in clothes taken away from other sciences. Only when, after a convenient choice of the way forward, will know how to provide the means to achieve movements of a determined nature, will begin to deserve the name of science. The classification will then follow by itself without difficulty. It will know how to turn the question of transforming one movement into another and judging itself, if and that value has a similar classification principle for it. Since every true science will know how to find its laws in itself, it will not need a legislator to impose it on them. Thus we arrive at another important and remarkable conclusion. If the thought processes that lead us to the formation of the known mechanisms are exact, they must also be further applicable in similar cases; they must also contain within themselves the means by which we can come to the discovery of new mechanisms, they must in some ways replace the inventive faculty in the sense that is given to it today. I hope that I will not be suspected of falling into vulgarity, as if I said that, with this recipe of mine in my hands, every mind, however mediocre, may henceforth rise to the rank of an inventor genius. On the contrary, I limit myself to asserting that in the study of the problem of machines we can introduce those same operations of the intelligence that are applied in other scientific researches. More over, I have tried to show that the inventor is only the result of reflection, so that if we succeed in giving thought the most appropriate address to our subject, we will also open the way to invention. Goethe, who has always been interested in discovering the processes by which man reaches to widen the field of his own ideas, expresses himself in this regard with the following sentence in the highest sense of the word, it is only the result of a feeling of the truth that has been hidden for a long time in us, and which, unexpectedly, leads us unexpectedly to the conquest of useful knowledge. Here's how Schopenauer, developing, as many times Goethe's idea happens to him, is expressed on a very similar subject. Our best, deepest and most fruitful ideas of him sometimes appear to us all of a sudden before the mind as an inspiration and often in the form of axiom. Evidently, however, they are only the result of long and innovative meditations, of considerations that are often very remote or partly forgotten. It is very rare that the whole process from our intellect is clearly describable, that is, it consists in concatenations of clearly conceived judgments; it is this but the purpose we aim to be able to give an account to ourselves and to others; ordinarily, however, the impressions received from outside are elaborated in our interior, until the thoughts that come from it appear clear to our mind; and we are just as unconscious of this process as it is of labor that assimilates food to the honors and substance of our body. It follows that sometimes we ourselves do not know how to explain the origin of our deepest thoughts; they are the mysterious product of the innermost latebrees of our soul, from which unexpectedly arise judgments, ideas, resolutions, of which we ourselves are astonished. The conditions that must proceed with the invention of a mechanism can, however, as we said earlier, reduce to an orderly concatenation of ideas that entitles the purpose, as well as in mathematics a series of clear and well-linked judgments lead to the result the final. For those familiar with mathematical theories, the invention of a mechanism is reduced to a synthetic question, which he can dissolve by means of certain methods, however difficult to apply. Naturally those who have the most unworthy gifts, with such powerful tools in hand, will outdo others, just as the mathematician with a creative faculty will leave behind the inexperienced computer, who knows nothing but apply the rules learned. Moreover, rather than creating new mechanisms, it is important to know the existing ones in depth. It is really strange how little the old theories are introduced into the nature of the mechanisms and how commonly the most common mechanisms are also known. A kinematics based on genuinely scientific principles will be a great help to the talented enthusiast of the machine who is interested in the object of his studies. It will spare him the faculty of long and often importune research, and will lead him directly to the solution of the various problems, clearly showing him the way to follow. So too the technician, who until now has hardly ever used the kinematics, will discover in it a powerful help to understand existing machines and to judge new ones. This is a sure guarantee that the new science thus transformed will contribute to a great purpose, that of the further progress of the machine theory and its applications. If we summarize in summary the analysis made by us of the procedures until now adopted in the study of the kinematics, and of the ideal that we have to propose, we come to the conclusion that the ordinary theories lack above all the unity; and if the opposite is commonly said, this is only because the scientific methods of research are used in these theories. But, as was said, the most important thing is to make clear the fundamental idea, intimately connected to the nature of the argument. At the same time we must undoubtedly admit that the studies we are dealing with belong to the domain of the exact sciences. In other words, it must be concluded that the methods in use are insufficient and can not withstand the action of time, because they allow only a very limited number of consequences to derive from them; on the other hand they are not even enough to give explanations of all the existing mechanisms. To operate that transformation, of which we demonstrate the necessity, we must strictly adhere to simple and logical principles. What can be deduced from the criticism established by me of the antecedent systems, that which derives from the examples shown and from the considerations that accompany them, this in the end that under various forms and condensed in the philosophical sentences we have quoted, we can, as regards more specifically our subject, summarize in this single proposition: It is about applying to the machine theory the deductive method. The scientific building we must build must rise above the foundation of a few essential principles, and all its members must be able to report and deduce from them. And this is another of the points that at first glance appear weak in the previously prevalent way of studying the subject. And this we do not say because it, moving away from the ideal of the science we traced, makes an inductive method rather than a deductive one. If everything is limited to the use of the inductive method, although this does not present any advantage, yet there would be no reason to support it. No: it was completely lacking in method; since until now the study of kinematics has never been based on certain fundamental principles, or rather it has never been possible to establish such principles, despite careful research and despite the assertions to the contrary of many authors who have repeatedly resounded their eureka. Every exact science must undergo a similar period of transformation with the probability of acquiring clarity and precision only when its subject has grown from time to time to make study possible from a general point of view. Now this period of development and already, no doubt, reached with regard to the kinematics. The number of mechanisms and their applications has increased dramatically, so with the ordinary criteria it is impossible even to avoid losing the thread that should guide us through the intricate maze. We will not be silent, however, that there are serious difficulties in the transformation we are proposing. We ourselves do not often see the bonds that hold us within the confines of those ideas that education and studies have instilled in us. There is an internal strength in us, to adopt new ones. Regulatoryism of traditional teaching systems, the powerful and extensive influence of technical literature, the habits with difficulty acquired and therefore become more tenacious, finally the difficulty of having to grasp a new system of ideas as a whole, instead of applying with ease to a study of details, made up of many very serious obstacles. Therefore the way that I will have to beat will not be short, although it leads to very simple truths. The care with which I will have to fight prejudices, the slow search for the right path among the many who will present themselves to me, will prevent me from coming straight to the goal. The following chapters will not enrich those who deal with the study of machines with positive knowledge, nor can this be their purpose; but we will try to help make better understand what is already known; for, to open with a phrase by Goethe, one does not possess anything but what one understands.

20)        Year 1875  --  The text was published in Florence, (information taken from a hand-written text with pencils);
Dino Padelletti  --  Centrifugal force regulators;
The text was published in Florence, (information on the first page written with black pencil)
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
The text aims to give an ordered and uniform description of centrifugal force regulators, in an era where much has already been written on this topic; in fact, the author in the preface cites textual words: there is perhaps no question of practical mechanics where in the last fifteen or twenty years it has been written as that of centrifugal force regulators. The author Dino Padelletti, proposes this treatment because he believed that the writings on the subject though numerous, were contained in newspapers and magazines mainly foreign technical, and so it was hard, and difficult for a scholar to get a complete idea of the topic without wasting much time.

I)                  Definitions and general considerations
II)                Equation of equilibrium

21)        Year 1879   --  Gahutier-Villars Imperial Library - Paris;
M. E. - J. Habich   --   Kinematic studies  --  (p. 58);
M. E. - J. Habich: elderly figure of importance Polytechnic School of Paris. Director of the School of Civil Construction.
  Deputy Director of the body of government engineers. 

I)   For the principles of ventilation: generalities on the movement of a point, movement of a point related to the polar coordinates, envelopes of the right sides that accompany a point in the relative movements, polar trajectory, trajectory whatever
II)     For position references: introduction, polar tangential coordinates, transformation of lines in the polar tangential system, state of succession
III)    Accelerations of movement of a plane figure in its plane

22)        Year 1882  --  Lithography of the Trinacria - Naples;
Ernesto Ferraro   --  Summary of the lessons of Mechanics Applied to Machines and related drawing dictated by engineer Ernesto Ferraro (first edition, which will be divided a few years later into three volumes)  --  (p. 450);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
The author Ernesto Ferraro, teacher in the Royal Application School for Engineers in Naples.
Il testo è scritto in un'epoca in cui l'insegnamento di Applied Mechanics to Machines è ufficialmente incluso nel programma di studio; consta di tre volumi.

For office on 20 December 1882 appointed by the illustrious sig. Director of this School of Applied Mechanics Mechanics and with the approval of the Ministry of Education I started the course on January 15th.
Being new to teaching, the short time to plan, the many other professional occupations and having wanted to give an address to the new, such that the only necessary theories are to complement the machine organs, taking as a basis the division of Reuleaux welcomed by Colombo, and that little experience that you buy at your own expense passing from the school desk to the workshop, are all these alternations to the imperfections of the present work, to repair which the reader will be able to textbooks that to it have prepared in a superficial way, that is:
Padula: Course of Mechanics Applied to Machines dictated at the Application School for Engineers of Naples 1872-73;
Zucchetti: of Turin 1881-82 (no further information could be found on this text);
Padelletti: Course in Rational Mechanics at the University of Naples 1881-1882;
Reuleaux: General theory of Machines or theoretical kinematics, translated by Prof. Colombo.
                   Le Constructeur;
Sonnet: Dictionnaire des Mathematiques appliquées;
Spon’s :Dictionnary of  Bngineering, civil, maccanical, etc., etc.;
Sacheri: Civil engineering and industrial arts etc.
Some other special monograph quoted in the text.
In the end a heartfelt word of thanks to the pupil of this school sig. Attilio Gallucci who with the good morality will want to have intelligence to autograph these lessons for the benefit of his companions; this fact is due to the origin of this writing not intended for anything other than to serve the students for the course of oral lessons and drawing of machines.
Ferraro explicitly states, in this brief introduction, that he was inspired, among other works, to the "General Machine Theory" from Releaux translated by Giuseppe Colombo.In this text we find significantly some sketches, whose original drawings are shown in the book of the Releaux; for example that of fig. 5 in the following page 193. It is interesting to note that the text of Padula is quoted: Course of Mechanics applied to Machines dictated to the Application School for Engineers of Naples 1872-1873. Unfortunately, this text does not exist in the book catalog of the Federico II School of Engineering, even in the national catalog consulted on the Internet.
From this quotation it would seem that already in 1872-1873 there was a teaching course of Applied Mechanics to Machines.

I)                   Introduction: general solution to the problem of mechanics;
II)                Notes on the most important metals in the construction of the machines;
III)              Metal alloys;
IV)             Notes on the fusion of metals
V)                Union of plates (proportion of simple riveting, with joints cover, with angle irons);
VI)             Recall of definitions (equation of moving machines);
VII)           Main transformations of movement;
VIII)        The various friction resistances;
IX)             Ductile kinematic elements;
X)                Teledinamic transmissions;
XI)             Troclee and sizes
XII)           Application examples;
XIII)        Organ winches;
XIV)        Horizontal transport of loads;
XV)          Pipes and their connections, keys and taps, steam and pump cylinders;
XVI)        Press, crane, elevator and hydraulic accumulators;
XVII)     Springs;
XVIII)   Rigid elements;
XIX)        Simple machines;
XX)          Axis pins;
XXI)        Trees, joints and grafts;
XXII)     Supports, chairs and castles, shaft bearings, horizontal and vertical;
XXIII)   Toothed wheels;
XXIV)  Steering wheels;
XXV)     Apparatus for measuring the speed, effort and work of a machine;

23)        Year 1884  --  Lithography of the Trinacria - Naples;
Ernesto Ferraro  --  Summary of the lessons of Mechanics Applied to Machines and related drawing dictated by engineer Ernesto Ferraro, (the text is composed in three volumes)  --  (p. 160);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
The author Ernesto Ferraro, teacher in the Royal Application School for Engineers in Naples.
The three volumes derive from a revision and expansion of the previous edition consisting of a single volume of over 450 pages.

vol. I (p. 204)
I)                  Introduction
II)                Hints on the materials used on the construction of the machines
1)    Metals
2)    Iron
3)    Steel
4)    Copper
5)    Zingo
6)    Tin
7)    Metallic Alloys
8)    Bronze Brass
III)             News on the raw production of a metal object
1)    Fusion - jet models
2)    Forging of metals
IV)             Definition calling - Pairs of elements - Kinematic chains - Mechanisms - Work Engine, useful, resistant - General equation of the machines in motion - Purpose and usefulness of the machines
1)    Machines in motion (The index is like that)
V)               Apparecchio per misurare la velocità, lo sforzo, il lavoro nelle macchine
1)    Loch – Counters
2)    Different dynamometers and ergometers
VI)             Friction resistance
1)    Grazing friction and involute friction - experiences coefficients and empirical law of frictions
VII)          Principali trasformazioni del movimento e relativi organi
1)    Transformation of the continuous rectilinear movement in continuous rectilinear movement
2)    Transformation of the continuous rectilinear motion in continuous circular and vice versa
3)    Transformation of the continuous circular motion in continuous circular motion
4)    Transformation of the continuous circular motion into an alternative straight line
5)    Transformation of the circular circular motion in an alternate circular way
6)    Transformation of the alternative circular movement into an alternative straight line

vol. II (p. 203)

I)                  Notes on the materials used in the construction of the machines
1)    Special tools
2)    Proportions of simple nailings
3)    Proportions of cantonal nailings, with joint covers, special connections in the boilers
4)    Tabella dei pesi delle lamiere
5)    Table of the weights of the iron bars
6)    Forced connections, coupling
II)                Simple machines
1)    Lever
2)    Inclined plane
3)    Cuneo
4)    Screw and nut screw
III)             Pins, axles and shafts, joints
IV)             Supports, bearings, chairs and castles
V)                Crank mechanisms

vol. III (p. 212)

Esame di elementi duttili
I)                  Transmission for belts, rope and chain
II)                Teledinamic transmission
III)             Apparatus for lifting loads
IV)             Horizontal transport of loads
V)                Pipes and their connections, steam and pump cylinders, tanks, plungers, different cranks, valves
VI)             Press, grue, hydraulic elevators and accumulators
VII)                  Notes on the main species of springs, their calculation and properties.

24)        Year 1887   --  Publisher Ermanno Loecher – TurinItaly;
E. Blaha, reviewed by Giuseppe De Paoli  --  The distributions of steam engines  --  (p. 228);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
Giuseppe De Paoli, has reviewed the text originally written by E. Blaha.
he original of this text was published in 1878, and won the competition for students of the Royal Polytechnic Institute of Prague, which earned the chair a short time later, to the author Blaha, for teaching the distribution of steam engines.

I)                  Drawer distribution simple
II)                Reverse motion distribution with only one eccentric
III)             Suspension of the glyph and the connecting rod of the drawer
IV)             Suspension of the glyph and the connecting rod
It deals with the distribution mechanisms in steam engines, starting from the motion of the piston, to the valve distribution of crank machines, to the distribution of electric machines.

25)        Year 1889  --  Bookseller of the Real Casa Ulrico Hoepli - Milan;
Egidio Garuffa   --   The machine manufacturer   --   (p. 623 + 1100 figures);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
Egidio Garuffa, engineer and professor of Industrial Mechanics at the School of Encouragement of Arts and Crafts in Milan.
The text is intended to be a complete treatise on the construction and design of the elementary organs of the machines; describes these organs as clearly as possible by using the many graphic representations shown, "1100 figures".
I)                  Connection bodies: nails and riveting, forced connections, connections with bolts or keys, screw connection or spin

Rigid coupling construction components osculatory
I)             First pair of mating elements, helical motion
II)           Second pair of mating constructive elements, rotation motion: pins, (rigid element of torque). Bearing pins, base pins
III)        Second pair of constructive elements, rotation motion: bearings and supports (cable element of the torque). Supports for bearing pins, supports for base pins
IV)        Formation of members with bringing together elements of the rotating pair. Trees subject to bending, trees subject to torsion, trees subject to bending and simultaneous torsion
V)           Formation of the members with the gathering of the elements of the pairs of rotation: junction of the trees. Fixed joints, movable joints, coupling joints
VI)        Rigid constructive elements formed by assembling parallel pins: templi levers, cranks, eccentric, crankshaft, against cranks
VII)      Formation of constructive members with the assembly of parallel pins: composite levers, rocker arms
VIII)   Formation of rigid constructive members by joining two or more hollow elements of the rotation pairs: couplers and connecting rods
IX)        Unpaired rotation members: flywheels
X)           Terza coppia di elementi costruttivi accoppiamenti che realizzano il movimento rettilineo
XI)        Coupled members of the rectilinear motion or of complicated rotation with the need to close against pressure fluids.
XII)      Fixed members of the mechanisms. Foundations headquarters. Metal columns

Rigid construction organs mating, non-matching, superior
XIII)      Primitive contact surfaces: friction and antifriction wheels
XIV)      Primitive toothed surfaces
XV)         Toothed wheels: calculation of the size of the teeth, construction of the toothed wheels
XVI)      Toothed wheels (continued): Gear drives and variable speed ratios
XVII)    Mechanical organs formed with a figure of constant width
XVIII) Constructive organs formed with a constructive thrust torque
XIX)      Arrests
XX)         Organi di trasmissione in generale (trasmissione tramite funi)
XXI)      Round ropes composed of metal wires, their coupling with pulleys and drums, teledynamic transmission
XXII)    Transmission for cinde of leather, cotton and cuciù
XXIII) Organs and articulated traction elements, their coupling with rigid bodies, transmissions for chains
XXIV) Organs and articulation traction elements. Chains and their couplings with rigid bodies. Transmission for chains.

Pressure organs in machines and their coupling with rigid bodies
XXV) Hard containers and their joints: valves and plugs, transmissions with pressure organs

26)        Year 1890  --  Publisher Ermanno Loycher  - Torino;
Domenico Tessari  --  The kinematics Applied to Machines for use in application schools for engineers and machine builders  --  (p. 867 + 6 illustrative tables);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
Domenico Tessari, professor at the Royal Industrial Museum of Turin, Italy.
The book is for use by the Schools for Engineers, and machine builders; theories of the mechanical organs employed at that time by industrial machines are exposed. In the text, in reality, all those mechanisms that are not used because they are too complex are also considered. The author wants to give a theoretical knowledge of all the existing mechanisms, believing that a good builder must know them all; descriptive theories abstain as much as possible from a mathematical analysis trying to give geometric descriptions of the mechanisms, considered by the author of greater understanding.

In the present work they expose the theory of the mechanical organs employed in the very different machines of modern industry; and we also examine some new mechanisms that have not yet been applied, either because they have been considered so far difficult to carry out, either by custom, or for other reasons.
I have not cared much about knowing about a mechanism is, or is not, practical, whether it is frequently used or not; I dealt mainly with the scientific theory of mechanical organs, I would say almost, regardless of any idea of their applicability. It seems to me that if until today some mechanisms have not been applied, they will be able to find it in the future; and in this regard I remember the golden words of Gergonne: "une nation qui ne cultiverait les sciences que sons the unique point de vue de leurs applications pratiques et immédiates, et de leurs résultats matériels, ne saurait se flatter de les voir longtemps fleurir au milieu of the.
The essential thing is that the manufacturer of a machine has a possibly complete knowledge of the very different mechanisms.
In demonstrations, where I could, I always preferred the purely geometric method, rather than resorting to analysis. So the reasoning is clearer and more evident: the ideas are perceived much better, the mutual relations are more intimately discovered. In this way I can hope to be accessible also to those who have little familiarity with the analysis, and to serve as a practical guide to machine builders.
I have given all of those empirical rules which do not have a scientific basis, and which are still too frequently used in factories.
Today more than ever, the science of machines must be based on the most rigorous theory, given the refinement and precision that is required in their construction.
It seems superfluous to speak here of the supreme importance of the subject I have proposed to deal with.
It is sufficient to reflect that when an engineer has to compose a machine, he must first of all study the mechanism and the most elegant arrangement of it; ensure the perfect regularity of the motion of the individual parts of the same. Only after this preliminary kinematic study of the machine can it effectively pass to the consideration of the other questions pertaining to it, that is to say on the driving force capable of keeping it moving: the examination of passive resistances: the calculation of the yield and the dimensions to be given to the single pieces for the due stability.
Today, due to the great diffusion of the machines, to the improvements to which they were subjected, only those who have made a cinematic study of it can find themselves able to introduce important innovations, which then redundant for the benefit of society, and constitute new triumphs of science.
May my modest work entice others to this kind of studies, so neglected by us, and so much in bloom at other cultured nations, where we mention with praise the names of Hooke, Watt, Stephenson, Peaucellier, Liptkin, Corliss, Hart, Kempe, Oldham, Hankine, RoHerts, Sylvester, Holditsch, Tchebicheff, Allan, Blaha, Eades, Evans, Ferguson, Gooch, Hensinger von Waldegg, Zenner, Reuleaux, Bellermann, Burmester, and many others.
Let us still put ourselves firmly into this fruitful field of study, where much remains to be gathered.
I strongly recommend that the scholar carefully execute all the constructions indicated in the text on a large scale, because only in this way can he penetrate well into the spirit of Kinematics.
I feel obliged to publicly thank from my deepest heart the illustrious Senator Comm. Gaspare Gorresio incomparable Prefect of this R. National Library, for all the aid that with great kindness offers me in the bibliographic inquiries.

First part: Kinematics
I)                  I Introduction
II)                Graphic kinematics of plane mechanisms
III)             Relative motions of the line and of the angle
IV)             Torques and kinematic chains
V)                Friction wheels
VI)             Toothed wheels
VII)           Gear trains
VIII)        Chains of wedges, eccentrics and buds
IX)             Screw chains
X)                Pulleys chains with tension organs
XI)             Chains of the articulated quadrilateral
XII)           Degenerate forms of the articulated quadrilateral
XIII)        Complex articulated systems
XIV)        Chains with pressure organs
XV)           Chains with pairs of clutches for grafts
XVI)        Chains of harpoonings
Part two: Dynamics
I)            General equations of motion
II)          Friction and its laws
III)       Rigidity of the ductile organs
IV)       Mediated friction and lubrication
V)          Dynamic equilibrium and efficiency of mechanisms capable of absolute regime
VI)       Brakes
VII)     Transmission and distribution of mechanical energy
VIII)  Mechanical measurements
IX)           Adjustment of the machines - intrinsic irregularities - flywheels
X)              Adjustments of engines - extrinsic irregularities - regulators
XI)           Impact machines

27)        Year 1895   --  Francesco Giannini e Figli typography - Naples.
Lorenzo Allievi  --  Kinematics of the plane connecting rod  -- (all graphic tables)
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples..
Lorenzo Allievi, engineer.
The text reports the differential study of kinematics in the plane.
The text deals with object study with only graphical methods, reporting only on the first page of the text (the title page).

28)        Year 1897   --  Publisher Nicola Zanichelli - Bologna;
Francesco Masi   --   The theory of mechanisms  --  (p. 377 + 24 tables);
From thetimbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
Francesco Masi, engineer, professor at the Application School for Engineers of Bologna.
The preface of the text begins with Ampéré's proposal, contained in the publication of his philosophical being on science, published in1834, in which he proposed to study motion with more general views, that is
 put before to the study of the causes, space and speed, considerations of only geometrical character, in other words: to study space and speed first by calling this kinematic method, from the Greek Kivηuα, "moto".
Recall, the ing, F. Masi in his text, that, in 800 this proposal was widely accepted both in the field of practical mechanics, and in that of theoretical mechanics; as a result of this event the kinematics had a remarkable development to which notable scientists contributed, Poncelet, Redtenbacher, Reuleaux, Tessari, Laboulaye, Resal, Belanger, Haton, De la Goupilliére, Bour, Colliguon, Maunhlim, Villé, Giulio, Cavalli, Willis, Goodeve, Kennedy, Grashof, Schoenflies e Burmeslvr.
Some of the scientists above are authors of the following texts:
·        Laboulaye: Traité de Cinématique, Paris 1861;
·        ResalTraité de Cinématique, Paris 1862;
·        Belanger: Traité de Cinématique, Paris 1864;
·        Haton : Traité de Mécanismes, Paris 1863;
·        Bour: Cours de mécanique et des Machines, Paris 1800 ;
·         ColliguonCinématique, Paris 1879;
Remember that the scientists mentioned above are found in several parts of this document.

AMPÈRE, in his Essai sur la philosophie des Sciences, published in 1834, proposed that, before studying our knowledge in the most general sense, taking into account spaces, forces and masses, we considered only the geometric aspect, that is, taking under examination only the spaces and the speeds, independently of the forces and this part of the Mechanics placed the name of Kinematics.
Ampère's proposal was received with much fervor, both in the field of theoretical mechanics and in that of practical mechanics; and soon the kinematics had a considerable development thanks to the work of many scientists, among whom, beyond Poncelet, who first inaugurated the teaching at the Sorbonne in 1838, are mainly to be counted: Redtenbacher, Reuleaux, Tessari, Labouloye, Resal, Belanger, Haton, De la Goupilliére, Bour, Colliguon, Maunhlim, Villé, Giulio, Cavalli, Willis, Goodeve, Kennedy, Grashof, Schoenflies e Burmester.

I)            Fundamental theorems:
various forms of motion of a rigid body, relative motion, relation between the velocities of two points of a rigid line - dead point, application to the plane articulated quadrilateral, relative motion of two bodies in contact with a point, relationships between the velocities of the contact points of two bodies that move constantly remaining tangent
II)          Polar of relative motion:
relative motion of two compiana figures, geometric determination of the polars of the relative motion, envelope of a mobile plane curve in its plane.
III)       Centers of curvature, cyclic curves
Euler's formula, construction of savary, circle and pole of inflections - circle of centers, determination of the pole of inflections, cyclical curves, double generations of cyclics, center of curvature of an envelope line.
IV)       Applications in the plan
V)          Assoids of the relative motion of two moving bodies around two plane axes
Assoids of the relative motion of two moving bodies around two parallel axes, applications, friction curves, applications, problems of friction curves and related graphic resolutions, deduced curves, assoids of the relative motion of two moving bodies around competing axes, asso relative motion of two moving bodies around axes placed in different planes
VI)       General theory of toothed wheels
determinations of tooth profiles in the cylindrical toothed wheels, inlet line, sliding between tooth profiles, general rules for the tracing of cylindrical wheel teeth - epicycloid toothing, continuous inlet, point toothing, mixed toothing, straight side toothing, spindle gears, planetary planetary wheels, involute toothing, circle arcs tooth pattern, Willis' odontograph, double-toothed generation of teeth profiles, Hooke or Hooke wheels, cylindrical helical wheels with parallel or Willis axes , elliptical wheels, bevel gears, helical bevel gears, spindle wheels and ankles, hyperbolic toothed wheels, approximate construction of hyperbolic toothed wheels, wheel with perpetual life, perpetual life is not reversible, cylindrical helical wheels for axes placed in planes different, machine-cut toothed wheels.
VII)     Principles on the kinematic composition of mechanisms
kinematic elements, pairs of elements, classifications of pairs, kinematic chain, definition of mechanism and machine, investment of mechanisms, number of elements in the formation of mechanisms, symbolic formulas of mechanisms, analysis or synthesis of mechanisms, classification of mechanisms
VIII)  Articulated systems
General information on simple articulated systems, flat articulated quadrilateral, crank mechanisms, speed and space in crank mechanisms with deflected and rotary thrust, Zennar diagram, different crank shapes, collar eccentric, straight and rectilinear crank handle, cross crank , Oldham joint, elliptical lathe by Leonardo da Vinci, universal joint or Hooke joint, double joint, gimbal suspension, general information on compound articulated systems, quadrilaterals and coupled mechanisms, Galde by Scott-Russel or Evac, triangles by Ruberi, parallelogram of Watt,
IX)       Screw mechanisms
General information on screw mechanisms, basic type of single screw mechanisms, Prony differential screw, Persian drill, mechanism to lift gates, rail curving device, parallel vice, carpenter vice, paper press, balance wheel, screw mechanisms with a fluid element
X)          Wedges and eccentrics
generalities on the wedges and eccentrics, velocities and spaces in the wedges, applications, velocities and spaces in the eccentrics, eccentrics at the heart and at most lobes, eccentric circular bar, cylindrical, and conical
XI)       Flat buds (circular, evolving buds, etc.)
generality on flat buds, velocities and spaces in the buds with rectilinear motion, involute bead, circular, triangular, tracing of the curve of a bouquets, investment of a circular burr, another form of the elliptic lathe, rotary-scale buds 
XII)     Friction mechanisms
general information on friction mechanisms, wheel and wheel rollers, cone and wheel, friction rotations and spooled wheels, friction clutches and stops, friction hammers.
XIII)  Rotismo gears
General information on toothed gears, wheels two cast, Rosmer, Huyghens, asphalted and multi-lobed ellipticals, eccentric wheel, reciprocating, intermittent, stop, palm, gear wheels with a fluid element, capsule gears, problems on geared gears, application to watchmaking, application to parallel lathe, epicyclic system gears, toothed couplings
XIV)  Harpoonisms (transformations of motion through ratchets)
generalities on harpooning, transformation of motion through pawls and harpoons, harpoonisms of Lugharousse and Habillé, escapements, ratchets with a fluid element
XV)     Mechanisms with ductile elements (pulley mechanisms and belts)
generality on ductile mechanisms, motion transmission by means of pulley and belt between two parallel axes with constant ratio of angular velocities, shapes of the pulley surfaces, properties of the two belt sections, motion transmission by means of pulley and belt between two axles placed in different planes, transmission by means of countershafts, pulleys to variable motion , stepped pulleys, conical pulleys, belt couplings, transmission by ropes, transmission of motion by chains, mechanisms in which the ductile element is a fluid.

29)        Year 1908   --   Typography Angelo Trani - Napoli;
Ernesto Cavalli  --  Elements of Mechanics Applied to the Machines  --  (p. 236 + 7 tables);
From the timbre on the first text sheet, the original location is visible: Library of the Royal School of Application of Naples.
Ernesto Cavalli, teacher of the Royal Polytechnic University of Naples.
In the preface, below, we read "On the beginning of the book I benefited from the old school of Morin, Poncelet, Redtenbacher ... now was become classic. From that of Hirn, of Petroff ... I took the theory of kinetic friction, theory of which, after having reduced it in an elementary form, following the example of Releaux, I applied the results to the towing and braking of vehicles, as also to the various transmission devices.
Il libro è composto da 236 pagine più 88 figure, raccolte in sette tabelle.
Just over 1/5 of the book deals with steam engines (alternatives and turbines) and, very briefly, those with internal combustion (Otto cycle), typical subjects of Machine teaching.
The arguments are generally carried out theoretically, however referring to updated experimental results.
Approximately the first half of the book is devoted to the evaluation of resistant forces due to the dissipative causes present in simple couplings or in transmissions with tracks, or to the environment medium, with particular reference to the resistance to vehicle motion.
The other topics typical of the Mechanics applied to Machines are shown in the chapters on brakes, on transmission devices (which mainly deals with transmission with belts or cables). In the chapter on balancing machines there is a nod to the balancing of alternative machines and the proportioning of the flywheel is dealt with. Then the centrifugal regulators and the impact machines (mallet, pile driver) are studied. The Ergometry chapter deals with pressure indicators and dynamometric brakes.

In keeping with the progress of Applied Mechanics to machines, I have had the desire to make this book for years, in which we now find the best that has been thought of. I trust that it responds to the current needs of polytechnic education, especially as it also aims to contribute, albeit in a modest proportion, to the development of new things.
In the mechanics the truth is the only source to which it draws useful and penetrates better in our mind, remaining tenaciously impressed, if the method, that leads to discover it, is carried out with simplicity.
On starting the book, I benefited from the old school of MORINof PONCELET, of REDTENBACHER............ i took the theory of kinetic friction, a theory of which, after having reduced it to an elementary form, following the example of REULEAUX, i have applied the results to the towing and braking of vehicles, as well as to the various transmission devices.
To make my way to the school of CLAUSIUS, of RANKINE,............ I exposed the organic description of the tools used in ergometry; especially of the pressure indicator and dynamometer brake, which are the most familiar. Then introduced the important notion of entropy, imitating Gibbs e Sankey, I emphasized the correlation between the two indicator and entropy diagrams, which diagrams are used together in the study of thermal machines.
All issues related to the efficiency of the steam engine are based on the theory of heat transfer between steam and cylinder metal, a theory that, with the sort of experimental data, derives from the law of Fourier E., with evidence derived from experience, it was also possible to treat the special case of the turbine.
The theoretical-experimental method was extended to the petrol-driven machines, to evaluate the performance; and on the track pointed to by Wrzz, the few rules to be applied were coordinated.
The problem of balancing one machine, and the other of regulating its movement, have been resolved and exhibited with a simple and uniform procedure. Finally, believing in the old school, I consecrated the last chapter to impact machines.
I)               I) Energy and work
II)            II) Friction and its laws
III)          III) Friction and stiffness of the tracks
IV)          IV) Machines moved by hand
V)            V) Kinetic friction and lubricating oils
VI)          VI) Resistance of means
VII)       VII) Towing resistance
VIII)     VIII) Brakes and their theory
IX)          IX) Transmission devices
X)            X) Ergometry
XI)          XI) Entropy
XII)       XII) Efficiency of the steam engine
XIII)     XIII) Efficiency of the petrol engine
XIV)     XIV) Balancing of machines
XV)       XV) Centrifugal force regulators
XVI)     XVI) Impact machines

30)        Year 1914   --  It was not possible to find information on publishing;
L. De Biase   --   Mechanics applied to the machines  --   (p. 836);
Among the texts of Mechanics Applied to Machines, this is the first in which a large part is dedicated to dynamics.

First part: Kinematics Applied to Machines
I)            Graphic kinematics of plane mechanisms
II)          Relative motions of line and angle (Cardan problem)
III)       Torques and kinematic chains
IV)       Friction wheels: General case of transmission between skew axles and special cases
V)          Toothed wheels: general; circular wheels; cycloidal profiles; involute profiles; cast and stitched teeth, hooke wheels; arrow; conical; iperboloidiche; helical; perpetual screw and helical wheel.
VI)       Rotismi: ordinary; planetary gearboxes
VII)     Chains of wedges, eccentrics and buds
VIII)  Vine chains
IX)       Pulley chains with tension organs
X)          Chain of the articulated quadrilateral
XI)       Degenerate forms of the articulated quadrilateral
XII)     Complex articulated systems
XIII)  Chains with pressure organs
XIV)  Chains with friction pairs for grafts
XV)     Harpoon chains
Second part: Dynamics Applied to Machines
I)            General equations of the motion of the machines
II)          Friction and its laws
III)       Stiffness and friction of ductile organs: vegetable and metallic ropes; ordinary, articulated chains; belts
IV)       Study of passive resistances
V)          Mediated friction and lubrication
VI)       Dynamic equilibrium and efficiency of mechanisms capable of absolute regime
VII)     Brakes: brakes in blocks, to tape; braking of vehicles
VIII)  Transmission and distribution of mechanical energy
IX)       Mechanical measurements: Absolute system and conventional system; methods and errors of the measures; length measurements; measurements of particular surfaces; distance measurements; time measurements; speed measurements; measures of speed variations in the machines; acceleration measures; measures of forces; measures of powers and works and yields.
X)          Adjustment of the driving machines; intrinsic irregularities: flywheels
XI)       Regulation of the driving machines; extrinsic irregularities: regulators
XII)     Impact machines

31)        Year 1916   --  Publishinge R. Pironti  -  Napoli;
P. E. Brunelli   --   Kinematics of the Machines at Plunger  --  (p. 189);
Brunelli was a professor (or assistant)* first in Naples, then in Turin;
Pietro Enrico Brunelli: Born on May 1, 1876 in Chieti. Graduated in Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering in Rome in 1898 and in Mechanical Naval Engineering at the School of Engineering in Genoa in 1900, from 1905 Brunelli was an ordinary professor of Thermal Machines at the School of Engineering in Naples. During the First World War until 1919, the professor was an officer of the Navy in S.P.E. with the rank of Captain: in the Naval reserve he then reached the rank of Colonel. From 1914 he participated in the construction of ships of different kinds (in 1912 he had directed the recovery works of the sunken ship San Giorgio). In 1932 Brunelli was transferred from the School of Engineering of Naples to the Istituto Superiore di Ingegneria of Turin at the Chair of Steam Machines and Technical Physics. Member of the National Research Council, Brunelli was commissioner of the Polytechnic of Turin from 29 April 1945 to 19 November 1945 and later director from 20 November 1945 to 29 March 1947. Brunelli died in Turin on 29 March 1947.

I) The rotary thrust crank - Read the piston motion
II) The deflected thrust crank
III) Connecting rod motion - Tracing of trajectories - General procedures for determining speed and acceleration values
IV) Rocker arms and oscillating levers
V) Mobile cylinder machines
* It was not possible to find certain information on the role of Brunelli in Naples;

32)        Year 1920    --   Politecnico Publishing House, Milan;
I. Saraceni   --   Mechanics Applied to Machines (lessons held in the Royal Polytechnic of Milan, first and third part);
Igino Saraceni: Prof. of Meccanica. Applied to Machines at the Milan Polytechnic.

Part One: Applied Kinematics
I) Recalls of some elements of plane kinematics
II) Kinematic pairs
III) Kinematic chains
IV) Transmission of the rotary motion by means of wheels and gears
V) Transmission of rotary motion by means of tracks (belt systems, rope, metal cable, chains)
VI) Simple articulated systems
VII) Complex articulated systems
VIII) Mechanisms of the distributions of the steam engines to obtain the inversion of the motion
IX) Special toothed wheels
Part Three: Technical Thermodynamics
I) Physical quantities considered in technical thermodynamics
II) Fundamental principles of thermodynamics
III) Transformations
IV) Thermal cycles and their yields
V) Changes in physical condition
VI) Perfect gas theory: fundamental laws; fundamental equation of the thermodynamics of perfect gases; thermal transformations of perfect gases
VII) Polytropic transformations; cycles consisting of four polytropics
VIII) Theory of saturated vapors: general relations; fundamental equation of the thermodynamics of saturated vapors; thermal transformations of saturated vapors; mixtures of saturated vapors
IX) Overheated vapors and real gases: general relations; thermal transformations of overheated vapors and real gases.
X) The permanent motion of fluids
XI) Irreversible thermal transformations; outflow of gases and vapors: flow of fluids in general

33)        Year 1922   --  Publishing F.Lubrano, Napoli;
G.D.Mayer -- Mechanics applied to machines - Part I: Applied kinematics;
The book consists of about 300 pages, half of which reserved for cinematic and half for dynamics. Both for the kinematics and for the dynamics, the topics covered by the text are representative of the topics covered at the end of the nineties by the Mechanics applied to Machines at the Federico II Engineering Faculty.
References to the study of energy transformations in engines are missing altogether.
I) General information on the kinematics of plane systems
II) Kinematic pairs
III) The friction wheels
IV) The toothed wheels
V) Eccentric, Cunei, Bocciuoli
VI) Pulleys and tracks
VII) The crank mechanisms

34)        Year 1922  --  Publisher Albin Michel;
J. Boulvin  --  Course of mechanics applied to machines (held at L'Ecole Speciale du Genie Civil de Gand);
J. Boulvin: Honorary Engineer des Ponts and Chausseés, and Director of Maritime Construction of the Belgian State.
Vol. I – General theory of mechanisms;

General theory of mechanisms
I) Recall of some principles of theoretical kinematics
II) Mechanisms with connecting rod
III) Articulated mechanisms for rectilinear motion guides
IV) ratchets
V) Couplings for connection of two rotating shafts
VI) Drawstring mechanisms (with prismatic torque)
VII) Cams and eccentrics
VIII) Friction wheels and gears: transmission between parallel axes, transmission between competing axes and between skewed axes, helical gears, gears derived from the screw; gear trains; friction wheels and gears with variable speed ratio.
IX) Transmission with ropes and straps
X) Mechanisms comprising a fluid
XI) Change of speed by means of belts
XII) Change of speed by means of gears
XIII) Hydraulic transformers
Second part: Statics and Dynamics
I) General equation of the machines
II) Friction between solids
III) Friction of liquids on solids
IV) Rolling resistance
V) The rigidity of the strings
VI) Work absorbed in collisions
VII) Equilibrium of mechanisms subject to passive resistances:
VIII) Systems in which friction must not be considered
IX) Systems in which rolling resistance is produced
X) Systems involving flexible bonds
XI) Transmission with straps and with ropes
XII) Systems with impacts
XIII) Theory of the flywheel
XIV) Regulators
XV) Spring regulators
XVI) Dynamic theory of regulators
XVII) Measurement of the work of the forces and power of the machines
XVIII) Work produced by an isolated force
XIX) Work produced by the pressure of a fluid
XX) Motor work available on a tree
XXI) Transmission dynamometers
XXII) Scale dynamometers

35)        Year 1928   --   Lithograph of the Civil Engineers, Rome;
A. Anastasi -- Lessons in Applied Mechanics, Part 1 - Machine Kinematics and Dynamics, VoI. 2nd (Academic year 1928-29);
A. Anastasi Rector of the School of Engineering of Rome - Institute of Machines.

I) Tracks
II) Power transmission between trees by means of tracks
III) Rope or chain machines - cable cars
IV) Flat and spherical maneuvers: flat articulated quadrilateral; kinematic study of the crank and piston rod mechanism; dynamic study of the crank and plunger rod mechanism; Cardano joint
V) Adjustment of the periodic motion: irregularity of the periodic-fly motion; calculation of excess work; flywheel effect of the masses in alternate motion of some poly-cylindrical machines
VI) Regulation of the speed of the regime: generalities on the regulation; centrifugal force automatic speed regulators; characteristic curves of the regulators

36)        Year 1930  --  Librairie J.B. Bailliére et Fils, Paris;
M. L. Lecornu  --  Propriété Générale des Machines (p. 230);
M. I. Lecornu: Prof. at the Polytechnic School and at the National High School of Mines.

I) Static machines: Conditions of equilibrium; contact of two solid bodies; passive resistances; applications
II) Work of the machines
III) Volani: general theory; elastic flywheel; case of an engine that drives a propeller; breaking of the flywheels
IV) Regulation: static of centrifugal force regulators; regulators without springs; centrifugal force regulators with springs
V) Brakes
VI) Internal efforts in a car
VII) Balance of a machine
VIII) Vibration
IX) Similar machines
It is the first text in which the topic specifically appears: vibrations.

37)        Year 1936   --  Lithograph of the Civil Engineers, Rome.
A. Anastasi  --  Lessons of Mechanics Applied to the Machines, Volume I: Mechanism Theory - Kinematics and Dynamics Applied (Academic Year 1936-37);
A. Anastasi: Rector of the University of Rome, Faculty of Engineering of Rome.

First part: Theory of Mechanisms
I) Couples of kinematic elements
II) Kinematic chains and mechanisms
III) Articulated guides of rectilinear motion and amplifying mechanisms; kinematic chains with any number of members; replacement of pairs superior to pairs of rotoids
Second part: Kinematics and Applied Dynamics
I) Passive resistances
II) Speed and accelerations of the points of the machines; inertial forces; living forces; work transmission; yield
III) Dynamic study of the inferior couples
IV) Mechanisms of eccentric
V) Mechanisms of three members where the two pieces of furniture are wheels; assoids, rolling levers; friction wheels
VI) Cylindrical toothed wheels
VII) Toothed wheels with non-parallel axes; calculation of the gear wheels; yield
VIII) Ordinary and epicycloidal rotations; ball and roller bearings

38)        Year 1942   --  Technical Library Editrice V. Giorgio - Turin;
J. Candeo - Cicogna  --  Mechanics exercises applied to machines;
Technical Library Editrice V.Giorgio, Turin.
A. Anastasi - R. University of Rome, Faculty of Engineering of Rome.

Fundamental principles of mechanics
I) Basic principles of statics
II) Systems of competing coplanar forces
III) Friction between dry contact surfaces
IV) Parallel parallel forces
V) Companar forces however arranged
VI) The principle of virtual displacements
VII) Kinematics of a point
VIII) The fundamental principles of dynamics
IX) The fundamentals of analytical - graphic kinematics
X) Vibration
The main applications of mechanics
I) Gear transmissions: ordinary gears
II) Gear transmissions: epicyclo gears
III) Ropes, funicular machines
IV) Transmission by means of belts
V) Brakes
VI) Springs
VII) Rolling bearings
VIII) Study of some car parts

39)        Year 1943  --  it was not possible to find information on publishing;
V. Foschi  --  Applied Mechanics Exercises; Italian editions  --  (p. 385);

Theoretical mechanics
I) Kinematics of the point
II) Motion of a plane figure in his plane
III) Movement of a rigid figure in space
IV) Composition and decomposition of forces
V) Equilibrium of bodies and constrained systems without friction
VI) Principle of virtual works
VII) Rectilinear motion and curvilinear motion of a point
VIII) Moments of inertia, living force, momentum
IX) Principle of d'Alembert, Theorems on the motion of the systems
X) Relative motion; impulsions
Applied mechanics
I) Composition of mechanisms
II) Equilibrium of constrained bodies systems (without passive resistances)
III) Passive resistances
IV) Equilibrium of constrained bodies systems (with passive resistances)
V) Dimensions of the main mechanical units. Measurement systems
VI) General properties of the velocities and accelerations of the points of a flat figure
VII) Transmission of work; inertial force; living force; reduced masses; momentum
VIII) Dynamic equilibrium of the systems
IX) Efficiency of the machines
X) Mechanisms of three elements
XI) Toothed wheels
XII) Ordinary and epicycloidal gears, ball bearings
XIII) Transmissions with flexible elements
XIV) Mechanisms of four elements
XV) Adjustment of periodic motion; flywheels
XVI) Regulating the speed of the regime; regulators
XVII) Measurement of power
XVIII) Springs
XIX) Vibrations
XX) Resonance phenomena; critical speeds; gyroscopic actions
XXI) Balance of inertia forces
It is the first text in which the topics appear: critical speeds and gyroscopic actions.

40)        Year 1948   --   Levrotto & Bella Publishing   - Torino.
M. Panetti  --  Mechanics Applied to the Machines, ( vol. I, vol. II, vol. III);
M. Panetti, Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines at the Polytechnic of TurinItaly, since 1910.

vol. I (fourth edition., p. 506)

I)        Foundations of the kinematics of machines:
1)      composition of the machines
2)      speed and instantaneous center
3)      polar and primitive
4)      rollette
5)      accelerations in the plane motion
6)      center of accelerations and curvatures of the trajectories
7)      conjugated profiles
8)      friction in the machines
9)      rolling creep friction
10)  friction between lubricated surfaces
11)  rolling friction
II)     The resistance of the means
1) pressure resistance
2) wake phenomena and wall friction
3) resistance of the vehicle to ballistic speeds
4) technical news on the resistance of the vehicle
III)  Foundations of machine dynamics
1) kinetic energy equation
2) yield; d'Alembert's theorem
3) frame reactions and balancing
4) power dynamometer measurement
5) various motorcycles in the machines
IV)  Mechanisms made up of elementary pairs
1) prismatic couple
2) rotoidal couple
3) elementary theory
4) dry rotoidal pairs
5) theory of attrition
6) friction trains
7) lubricated rotoidal pairs
V)    Rolling bearings: general provisions and kinematic problems
1) resistance to crushing of the rolling elements;
2) distribution of the load on the rollers and on the balls of a radial bearing
3) fatigue resistance
4) friction of rolling bearings;
5) pins with pastry wheel
VI)  Helical pair
1) elementary theory of the vine
2) mechanisms derived from the helical torque
3) forcing the helical torque  
VII)      Vibrating motions in the machines
1) motions oscillators of a point
2) bending vibrations in the trees
3) oscillations of rigid bodies held by a fixed axis (torsional oscillations)
4) flat oscillations of the sprung frames

vol. II (fourth edition, reprint, p. 317)

I)       Primitives of the wheels
II)     Cylindrical toothed profiles
1) Cycloid toothings
2) Special toothings
3) evolving teeth
4) Wheels with helical teeth
III)  The works of attrition in the wheels with parallel axes
IV)  Wheels for transmission between competing primitive axes and conical clutch pairs
1) Conical teeth
2) Spiral conical wheels
V)           Ruote elicoidali per trasmissioni fra assi sghembi
VI)        Coppie di avvitamento senza fine
VII)      Roteggi ordinari
VIII)   Roteggi epicicloidali
1)      Dynamic problem of epicyclical rotations

vol. III (fourth edition, reprint, p. 208)

I) Ropes
II) Chains
III) Funicular machines
IV) Funicular transport
V) Transmissions with tracks
VI) Technical problems on transmissions

41)        Year 1949    --   Politecnica C. Tamburini Publishing House - Milan;
G. Scotto Lavina   --  Machine Mechanics Applications, Part Three    --  (p. 372);

I) The Volano
II) The calculation of the yield
III) The critical bending speeds

42)        Year 1952   --   Publishing Liguori – NaplesItaly;
P. Ferretti  --  Mechanics of the machines; vol. I, Naples (identical to the following edition of 1966)  --  (p. 368);
Pericle Ferretti, Professor of Mechanics Applied to the Machines in Naples.

I)       Kinematics
1) Torques and kinematic chains
2) The motion of a plane figure in one's plane
3) The conjugated profiles
II)    Dynamics
1) Il lavoro delle forze di inerzia
2) Rendimento biologico
3) Resistenze passive
III)  Dynamic phenomena in rotary motion
1) Constant angular velocity around a central axis of inertia (ie: gyroscopic phenomena)
2) Constant angular velocity around a barycentric axis (non-central inertia)
3) Constant angular velocity around a non-barycentric axis (ie: flexural critical velocity)
4) Variable angular velocity (ie: torsional oscillations)
IV) Transmissions with wheels of clutches
V) Transmission with toothed wheels
VI) Transmissions with tracks
VII) The rotary push crank
1) Kinematics
2) The forces of inertia
3) The balance of inertia forces
4) The engine moment
5) Eccentric crank mechanism
IV)  The adjustment of the machines
1) The problem of regulation
2) The flywheels
3) The regulators
4) The brakes
V)    The lubrication
1)      The phenomenon of friction
2) Imperfectly lubricated surfaces
3) Perfectly lubricated surfaces
4) Experimental results
VI)  The constructive forms of the bearings
1) Bearings with fixed fifth wheels
2) Bearings with mobile fifth wheels

43)        Year 1954  --  Publishing Liguori - Napoli;
P. Ferretti, M. Taddei  --  Mechanics of machines; vol. II  --  (p. 485);
Pericle Ferretti, Professor of Mechanics applied to machines in Naples;
M. Taddei: Full Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines from 1951 to 1981.

I)       General information on the measures
1) The measurement of quantities
2) Errors in the measurements
3) Units of measurement and unit systems
4) Laws of similarities
II)    Electrical methods in mechanical measurements
1) Sensitive elements
2) The electrical circuits
3) Electrical measuring instruments
III)  Measurement of physical quantities
1) Measurement of fundamental quantities
2) Measurement of geometric quantities
3) Measure of the kinematic quantities
4) Measurement of dynamic quantities

44)        Anno 1956   --  Publishing Riccardo Patron - Bologna;
A. Prosciutto   --  Elements of Mechanics Applied to Machines - (Fifth edition revised and expanded by F. Caboni and G. Moranti;
A. Prosciutto, Professor in the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna;

1) Basic principles of mechanics
2) Motion of a material point
3) Force systems
4) Masses systems
5) Kinematics and dynamics of a rigid body
6) Compound mechanical systems
7) Swings
8) Principles of machine dynamics
9) Passive resistances and yields
10) Elementary couples
11) Articulated systems
12) Rotary push crank
13) Crank at Glyph and cross-type
14) Spherical articulated quadrilateral
15) Friction wheels
16) Simple and compound gears and gears
17) Mechanisms with flexible organs
18) Eccentrics
19) ratchets
20) Uniformity of the motion and calculation of the flywheels
21) Motion regularity and dynamic balancing
22) The regulation of the driving machines
23) Critical speeds and torsional oscillations of the trees
24) Measurement of mechanical work

45)        Year 1964   --  Technical Scientific Publishing - Pisa;
E. Pistolesi  --  Mechanics Applied to Machines - XI edition revised by Prof. M. Marini   --   (p.702);

I)       Kinematic foundations of machine theory
1) Kinematic pairs
2) Spherical cinematic pairs
3) General kinematic pairs
4) Kinematics chains and mechanisms
5) Conjugated profiles and their tracking
6) Polar
II)    Forces acting in machines
1) Contact actions between solid bodies
2) Contact actions between solids and fluids
3) Principles of fluid dynamics
4) Actions of a fluid current on the immersed bodies
5) Viscous fluids
6) Basic elements on the impact
III)  Friction and lubrication
1) Creep friction
2) Logement of the Reye hypothesis
3) Rolling friction
4) Elastic slip in the rolling
5) General concepts on lubrication
6) Prismatic torque and rotoidal torque
7) General setting of the lubrication problem.
8) Case of the upper plane pairs
9) Lubricants
IV)  Foundations of machine dynamics
1) Works and returns
2) Balance of the machines. Forces of inertia
3) Reduced forces and masses
4) Replacement masses - dynamic equivalence
5) Oscillating motions
6) Forced oscillations
7) Coupled oscillations
8) Vibration
9) Units and measurement systems
V)    Study of elementary couples
1) Prismatic, rotoidal, helical pair
2) Efficiency of the inclined plane
3) Push pins
4) Rolling bearings
VI)  Articulated systems and their applications
1) Articulated quadrilateral
2) Crank mechanisms
3) Applications of articulated systems
4) Articulated joints
5) Capsulisms derived from the crank mechanism
VII)      Upper couples
1) Friction wheels
2) Eccentric and their classification
3) Arrests and harpooning
VIII)   Toothed wheels
1) Kinematics of toothed wheels
2) Cycloal toothings
3) Involute teeth
4) Involute wheel interference
5) Helical-toothed cylindrical wheels
6) Efficiency of the cylindrical wheels
7) Wheels of a special type
8) Conical wheels
9) Wheels for transmission between skew axles
10) Helical worm wheel screw
11) Perpetual screw with globoidal thread
12) Capsule gears
IX)  gear trains
1) Ordinary rotations
2) Epicicidal gear trains
X)    Flexible organs and their applications
1) Stiffness of flexible organs
2) Static applications
3) Dynamic applications
4) Tensions in the two branches of the belt
5) Elongation, sliding and calculation of the belts
6) Performance
XI)  Brakes
1) Block brakes
2) Friction brakes
3) Fluid brakes and hydraulic couplings
4) Electromagnetic brakes
5) servo-brakes
XII)      Dynamics of machines
1) Balancing of rotating shafts
2) Balancing machines
3) Critical speed of rotating shafts
XIII)    Dynamics of plunger machines
1) Speed and acceleration of the connecting rod
2) Inertial forces and connecting rod calculation
3) Reduced axes of the alternating masses and of the connecting rod
4) Pressed pressures, inertial pressures, effective pressures
5) Forces applied to the frame
6) Balance, equilibrio
XIV)    Theory of regulation
1) Periodic irregularity of a machine
2) Tredgold method for the calculation of irregularity and flywheel
3) Wittembauer method
4) Elasticity of the motors, regulation
5) Insensitivity and pendular oscillations of the regulators
6) Various types of regulators
7) Notes on the analytical problem of regulators
XV)      Experimental measurement of mechanical work
1) Quantity to be measured and methods of measurement
2) Dynamometric scales
3) Measurement of the reaction torque
4) Transmission dynamometric scales
5) Dynamometric brakes
6) Deformation dynamometers
7) Torque

46)        Year 1969  --  Di Stefano Library - Genoa.
A. Capoca  -- Mechanics Applied to Machines - vol. The GenoaItaly  --  (p. 301)
A.A. Capocaca: professor at the University of Genoa, Italy.

I)      General notions
1)      The machine: its evolution and its human value!
2)      Kinematic pairs
II)    Grazing friction and its forms
1)      1) Friction between dry surfaces
2)      2) Fluid or viscous friction
3)      3) The hydrodynamic theory
III)  The lubrication of elementary kinematic pairs
1) The lubricated prismatic torque. The lubricating bearing rotoidal torque.
2) The lubricated pushing rotoidal torque
3) The helical torque lubricated
IV)  Lubrication of the upper kinematic pairs
1) General principles
2) Lubrication of the eccentrics
3) Lubrication of gears
4) Problems on kinematic Torques lubricated in fluid regime
5) Direct and inverse problem
6). Re-use systems
7) Grease lubrication systems
V)    Dimensional theory of fluid lubrication
VI)  Experiences on lubricants and lubrication
1) Friction measurements
2) Relief of pressure distribution
3) Experiences of the author
I)  Problems on the evolving friction
1)      Transportation of a load by wagons or rollers
II)    Rolling bearings
1) Characteristics of rolling bearings
2) Various types of bearings
3) Lubrication of rolling bearings
III)  Resistance of the means

47)        Year 1986  --  Torino
Ghigliazza, Galletti  --  Mechanics applied to UTET machines;
Ghigliazza Rinaldo: Prof of Mechanics. Applied to Machines, Genoa.
Galletti Carlo Ugo: Engineer of Applied Mechanics, Genoa.

Applied kinematics
I)      Structure of the mechanisms
1)      1) Constraints
2)      2) Kinematics chains and mechanisms
II)    Kinematic analysis of plane mechanisms
1)      1) Relative movement between the members
2)      2) Analysis of the mechanisms with only lower pairs
3)      3) Analysis of the mechanisms with superior pairs
III)  Kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms
1)      General rigid movement
2)      Analysis of the mechanisms with only lower pairs
IV) Synthesis of mechanisms
1)      Summary of number
2) Dimensional summary
V)    Applied dynamics
VI)  Mechanical systems and models
1) Physical systems and abstract systems
2) Mathematical models
VII)      Surface mechanics
1) Recalls on the characteristics of solids
2) Surface phenomena
3) Forces acting in couplings
4) Usury
VIII)    Dynamic analysis of machines and mechanisms
1) Systems with a degree of freedom
2) Flat mechanisms with rigid members
3) Rigid member spatial mechanisms
4) Model linearization
IX)  Linear systems
1) Basic properties
2) Modal analysis
3) Transfer functions
4) Mechanical applications
X) Mechanical components (mechanisms)
XI) Elementary couples
1) Classification
2) Elementary couples dry or with limit lubrication
3) Elementary couples with fluid lubrication
4) Rolling elementary pairs
5) Comparison between the performance of the various types of elementary pairs
X)    Power transmission
1) Classification
2) Smooth wheels (or wheels for friction or friction)
3) Toothed wheels (gears)
4) Wheels and hoses
5) Comparison of mechanisms with constant ratio
6) Speed variators
7) Couplings
8) Grafts
9) Brakes
XI)  Mechanisms for motoion various
1) Articulated systems
2) Mechanisms with cams
3) Mechanisms with intermittent motion
4) Unidirectional mechanisms
5) Comparison between the various types of mechanisms for various motion

48)        Year 1988  --  Publishing Patron - Bologna;
Funaioli - Maggiore - Menghetti - Mechanics lessons applied to machines, (Volume I - Volume II);
Maggiore Alberto, Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines, Bologna
Meneghetti Umberto, Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines, Bologna
I) Recalls of dynamics
II) Dynamics of the thrust crank and the articulated quadrilateral
III) The inverse dynamic problem
IV) Dynamics of periodically operating systems
V) Vibrations of systems with a degree of freedom
VI) Vibrations of systems with two and many degrees of freedom
VII) Dynamics of the rotors
VIII) Introduction to the experimental study of vibrations
IX) Adjustment of the angular velocity
X) Funaioli

49)        Year 1991  --  Publisher Liquori - Napoli;
Angelo Raffaele Guido - Lelio Della Pietra - Mechanics lessons applied to machines, (Volume I - Volume II);
Lelio Della Pietra, Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines at the Federico II University of EngineeringNaplesItaly.
Angelo Raffaele Guido, Professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines, at the Federico II University of EngineeringNaplesItaly.
Il testo è diviso in due volumi, era il testo utilizzato per l'insegnamento della Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine nella Facoltà di Ingegneria, Federico II, up to 2013-2014.

vol. I (p. 457)

I)      efinition of machines and fundamental principles
1) Machines and mechanisms
2) Kinematic pairs
3) Degrees of freedom of a mechanism and a machine
4) The cardinal equations of mechanics
5) The motion theorem of the centroid
6) Classification of forces
7) Examples of applications of the principle of d'Alembert
8) Work of a force
9) Kinetic energy of a mechanical system
10) The theorem of kinetic energy
11) Equivalent systems and reduced systems
12) Equivalent systems - general case, (Exercise) - Flat motion, Examples
13) Reduced systems, 5 Examples
14) Reduced system of a machine
15) Power of a car
16) Passive resistances
17) Friction resistors, Examples
18) The mechanical efficiency
19) Mechanisms in series and in parallel
20) Irreversible mechanisms
21) The efficiency of irreversible mechanisms
II)    The operation of a group of machines
1) Introduction
2) Regime condition, Examples
3) Degree of irregularity in the period
4) Determination of the mass moment of inertia of a flywheel
5) Sizing of a flywheel, 3 Examples
6) Mechanical characteristic of a machine, Examples
7) Stability of the regime conditions
8) Degree of staticity and regulation range
9) Centrifugal regulators
10) Operation of the regulation system
11) The characteristic equation of a centrifugal regulator, Exercise
12) The Tolle curve: stability of a centrifugal regulator
13) Degree of staticity of a regulator, Examples
14) An example of application: the regulator of Watt isoscele
15) The characteristic curve of a regulator, Examples
16) Sensitivity of a centrifugal regulator, Examples
17) Indirect regulation
III)  Dynamics of rigid rotors
1) Introduction
2) Recalls of dynamics
3) The cardinal equations of rigid bodies
4) The rotation matrix
5) Static and dynamic imbalance of a rotor
6) Forces and torques of inertia due to imbalance, 2 Examples
7) Effects of inertia pairs: critical speeds
8) Gyroscopic inertia pairs
9) Gyroscopic structure rotors, 4 Examples
10) Rotors with non-gyroscopic structure, Examples
IV)  Gyroscopes
1) Historical background
2) Elementary gyroscopic phenomena
3) The study of the dynamic behavior of a gyroscope
4) The corners of Euler
5) The vector {w} according to Euler's angles
6) The equations of motion of a gyroscope
7) The integration of the equations of motion: The free motion as regular precession - The free motion as oscillations of small amplitude: stability of the gyroscope - System response to a rising step pair: precession
8) regular pseudo
9) Elementary theory of the gyroscope: Response to a moment torque Mx and a precession ψ - Response to a moment torque Mξ and a precession Ǿ
10) Constructive aspects of a gyroscope, Exercise
11) Technical applications of gyroscopes
12) The gyroscopic pendulum: Description - The equations of motion - The integration of the equations of motion
13) The gyro compass: Description - The equations of motion - Integration of the equations of motion
V)    Mechanical vibrations
1) Introduction
2) Periodic motion
3) Harmonic motion
4) Vector representation of a harmonic motion
5) Composition of two harmonic motions directed along the same axis: Beats
6) Composition of two harmonic motions directed according to orthogonal axes
7) Harmonic analysis
8) Basic vibrational phenomena
9) Mathematical models of discrete systems
10) Degrees of freedom of a system
11) Systems with a degree of freedom
12) Conservation systems: Free vibrations
13) Forced harmonic vibrations
14) Periodic forced vibrations
15) Application examples: 5 Examples
16) Stiffness coefficients of the elastic elements, 9 Examples
17) Dissipative systems: free vibrations
18) Forced harmonic vibrations
19) Vector method
20) Vibrations excited by a harmonic motion
21) Application examples, 2 Examples
22) Two-degree systems of freedom
23) Free oscillations in the absence of damping: Integration of the equations of motion - The determination of integration constants - The vibrating modes of the system
24) Forced oscillations in the absence of damping: Integration of the equations of motion - The determination of integration constants - The vibrating modes of the system
25) Forced oscillations in the absence of damping
26) Application examples: dynamic damper
27) Systems with n degrees of freedom
VI)  Balancing of rigid rotating members
1) Introduction
2) Static imbalance and dynamic imbalance
3) Balancing: balancing masses and correction planes
4) Balancing machines
5) Balancing with machines with elastic supports
6) Balancing with machines with rigid supports
7) Degree of accuracy of the balancing: residual unbalance

vol. II (p. 461)

I)      Critical flexion speeds
1) Introduction
2) The mathematical model from Rankine to Cree
3) Critical speeds such as flexural resonances: The mathematical model of jeffcott
4) System with non-rigid supports
5) Reverse precession motion or whirling pours
6) No symmetric systems: the disk effect
7) Critical speeds for a system with two concentrated masses
8) Approximate Dunkerley formula
9) Secondary critical speeds: 6 Examples
II)    Torsional critical speeds
1)      Introduction
2) Discrete systems
3) The vibrating modes of a two-disc system
4) The forced motion of the two-disc system
5) Torsional critical speeds: 7 Examples
III) Transmissions with friction wheels
1) The transmission of rotary motion
2) Transmission between skew axles: the shape of the friction wheels
3) Friction wheels for transmission between parallel axes
4) Friction wheels for transmission between incident axles
5) Dynamic behavior of the friction wheels
IV) Transmission with toothed wheels
1) General
2) General concepts
3) Cylindrical gears
4) Kinematic study of cylindrical wheels: conjugated profiles; Action line, arc line; Active profile
5) The cycloidal profile
6) The involute profile: definition and pèrorpietà of the involute; The conjugated profiles; Characteristics of involute toothed wheels; The basic sprocket-denture pair; Line and arch of conduct; The minimum number of teeth; Internal toothed wheels;
7) Helical-toothed wheels: Stepped wheels and helical-toothed wheels; The contact between the teeth; The basic denture; Mutual reaction and axial thrust; Exercises
8) The cutting of involute toothing with a rack tool
9) Conical wheels: primitive surfaces; The conjugated profiles: the approximation of Tredgold; The minimum number of teeth; Characteristic sizes of conical wheels with straight teeth; Mutual reaction and axial and radial thrusts;
10) The efficiency of a gear: The instantaneous yield; the average yield
11) gearings
12) Ordinary rotations
13) Epicycloidal gears
14) Classification of epicycloidal gyrations
15) The Willis formula
16) Planetary compensating gears
17) Reducer epicyclic gears The torque acting on the axes of the gears
18) Application examples
V)    Transmission with flexible organs
1) Introduction
2) Description of the flat belt transmission
3) Principles of operation of the transmission
4) The mounting voltage T0
5) The parameters that influence the values of T1: The winding angle α1; The coefficient f; The mass m; The peripheral speed v;
6) The transmission efficiency
VI) Hydrodynamic lubrication
1) Fluid lubrication
2) The viscosity of a fluid: Newton's law
3) Hydrodynamic lubrication in the machines
4) Hydrodynamic lubrication in plain bearings
5) The Reynolds equation: The equations of the fluid motion in the meatus; The speeds u and w; The continuity condition
6) Simplified mathematical models
7) The "short" bearing load-bearing: The height of the meatus; The diagrams u (y) and w (y); The integration of the equation (16.6-4); The load W and the minimum height of the meatus; the coefficient of friction; The Sommerfled number; Application example;
8) Flat roller thrust bearings: The height of the meatus; The speed diagrams in the meatus; The integration of the equation (12.8-1); The load W and the minimum height h dek meatus; The coefficient of friction
9) Fixed roller bearings with fixed pads: Application examples
10) Michel bearings: Application examples
11) Appendix chapter 12
VII)      Alternative machines: Internal Combustion Engines:
1)      Introduction
2) The rotary thrust crank
3) Kinematic study
4) The movement of the crank button
5) The motion of the connecting rod
a. The displacement of point C
b. The speed of the puto C
c. The acceleration of point C
2)      The motion of the connecting rod
a. The trajectory of a point of the connecting rod axis
b. The speed of point D
c. The acceleration of point D
3)      Graphic procedures
a. Polygon of speed
b. Polygon of accelerations
c. 2 Examples
4)      Dynamic study: the forces of inertia
a. The forces of inertia due to the movement of the crank
b. The forces of inertia due to the motion of the piston
c. The forces of inertia due to the movement of the connecting rod, Example
d. The resulting inertia forces
a.       The balancing of inertia forces
9) The forces due to fluid pressure
10) The forces that urge the crank mechanism
11) The engine moment
12) The diagram of the motor moment
a.       Graphic procedure
b. Analytical procedure, Example
13) Indicated and effective power, 2 Examples
14) Alternative multi-cylinder machines
15) The uniformity of the engine moment in multi-cylinder engines
16) Arrangement of the cranks: ignition order
17) Balance of inertia forces
18) Application examples


The Mechanics Applied to Machines in Naples: its historical development


An arduous task is certainly to establish in what period and course the lessons of Applied Mechanics to Machines emerge. Intuitively we have to think in some course of Mechanics, then roughly in the period in which courses on Machine Mechanics are introduced; for something more exhaustive you must immerse yourself in historical archives, browse fascinating books that date back to the second half of the eighteenth century, like the text by Frisi Paolo, "institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics of hydrometry and static architecture, and hydraulic to use in the Royal School erected in Milan for architects, and for the engineers ", fabulous handwritten texts.
From these documents we go back to the absolute confusion of the unorganized studies of that time and therefore of the historical investigation that begins to assume a stable structure towards the beginning of the 800, in fact, from the first institution to the preparation of professional figures aimed at the tasks carried out by the Engineer, we find cited, courses of Mechanics aimed at "Machines".
Before the eighteenth century, there was no real institution dedicated to the art of the Engineer, but a sort of courses in which Elementary Mechanics and Mathematics are cited, which together with the passing of the art, formed the only unclear roads to be undertaken to become an Engineer.
At the beginning of the 18th century, with the advent of the French people, documents were available to establish the first disciplines given in the Schools for Engineers; in these there is a sort of mechanics course whose purpose was to prepare students for the study of tools used in different crafts, blacksmiths, peasants, craftsmen, tailors, etc., so as to be able to improve them to increase their productivity, reducing the work man. Rather than Meccanica it was a sort of study of the Machines and working technologies existing at that time; later this branch of studies will form the group of the disciplines of Machines and Technologies, from where it will then officially take life the Mechanics Applied to Machines.


To give the best solution to our problem, that is to say, to try to understand, what were the topics studied that, at least in part, concerned the Mechanics Applied to Machines, before its official insertion, we considered it appropriate to face the problem with a historical approach. Not having specific documents, which could lead directly to the solution of the problem, we have circumvented the obstacle by trying to follow, according to a temporal and logical, progression, the events that have marked the history of Mechanics Applied to Machines ".
Although found in 1882, under the direction and teaching of Padula, the Mechanics Applied to Machines, in the official study plan, we find traces, of related lessons already in 1872, belonging to the group of teachings of machines and materials technologies.
In the first half of the eighteenth century, as shown in the previous chapter, in many texts used by the students of the Royal School for Engineers, topics are dealt with that still today form the official program of Applied Mechanics in Machines.
In the second half of the eighteenth century, the situation undergoes a remarkable change; the mechanisms become the main object in the study of the machines, so that together with the theory with which they study, the kinematics now well established, give a significant change to the study of the Mechanics Applied to the Machines, that is, of the machines themselves.
Towards the beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century, kinematics is seen as a new method for the study of machines able to reconcile theory with a practical event that often did not happen; in this era the evolution of the machine was in constant growth the theory was often bypassed by practice, which gives an idea of the confusion that there could be.
In the first half of the eighteenth century, machine scientists, as well as authors of mechanical texts, felt the strong influence of Ampéré's statements, which were published in 1834, in which he proposed to study motion with more general views, that is, before of the study of causes, study the space and velocity, considerations of only geometrical character, that is to study space and speed first, calling this kinematicmethod, a term that derives from the Greek Kivηuα, or "motion"; this proposal was widely accepted both in the field of practical mechanics and in that of theoretical mechanics; as a result of this and other significant events, which can be seen in the forewords of some texts reported in the previous chapter, the kinematics had a remarkable development to which notable scientists contributed as, Poncelet, Redtenbacher, Reuleaux, Tessari, Labouloye, Resal, Belanger, Haton, De la Goupilliére, Bour, Colliguon, Maunhlim, Villé, Giulio, Cavalli, Willis, Goodeve, Kennedy, Grashof, Schoenflies e Burmester.
In the year 1777 there is a text by Frisi Paolo, which contains a set of disciplines, such as mechanics, hydrostatics, hydrometry, static and hydraulic architecture; the text reports, at least for the part concerning the mechanics, already clearly mentioned the problems that will induce the Mechanics Applied to Machines in the following century, in fact it deals with: the handling of simple and composed machines.
Since 1818, we find texts such as, Traitè complet de mécanique appliquée aux arts of Borgnis, which describes the cogwheels, also reporting, in appendix, tables with representations of mechanisms to transfer and transform the motion.
From the text of Reuleaux, it was possible to draw a profile on what could be the topics that gave life to the study of the machines and that subsequently become part of the discipline. The author, Reuleaux, reports a complete introduction in which he describes, among other things, the situation of the 800 on the study of the Machines, highlighting how a new way of seeing them took hold, that is, not as a single body but to enter inside, with the theory; in essence it calls various scholars, in different historical moments, to show that the evolution of the Machine implied a transformation of the way of studying them. Remember that some scholars, mentioned above, supported the subdivision of the machines in the relative internal parts, from which the mechanisms derive and from which the kinematics derives or the study of the latter. Reuleaux shows, from a great teacher, the importance of not entering the machine only in the workshops with a practical point of view, but to reconcile the theoretical aspect of the machine with the practical one, trying to clearly explain the inaccuracy of the methods of approach used as they are always discordant with practice. From our research, they are not resulted worthy inventions related to Relueaux, who distinguished him by genius, at least according to his description of genius, (page 152 of the studied text, primo capitolo testo No 19); sure yes it can be of the great influence he has had on his colleagues, in fact many have followed him recognizing the merits of great scholar of the topic, others while not mentioning it among their texts, they have it undoubtedly imitated, for example, in some important graphical representations like the one shown in the previous chapter (page 152 of the studied text, primo capitolo testo No 19). Reuleaux was a great promoter and scholar of the kinematics applied to the machines; tries to extend this new approach to all scholars, showing how in other places, where this discipline had established itself, they were ahead in the study of machines, as in France.
Continuing the historical analysis of the events that marked the machines and with them the relative methods of study, at least until those that we have been able to detect, we find Watt, who in 1763, with his overbearing genius, as defined by Reuleaux , reaches the highest degree of perfection of the steam engine. It can be considered, with sufficient certainty, that the most important event, for the development of a discipline that studied the machines, and therefore the development of a set of related topics whose purpose was linked to the machines, was the perfection of the engine steam, as it triggers a process of evolution in traction, such as long distance travel, in the industrial sector, with the partial substitution of machines for man, motor pumps, for mines, and anything else you can imagine in passing from an era in which the work was done mainly by man, to one, in which there was a machine able to replace the work of man with appropriate mechanisms of connection.
Since Watt was only a steam machine refiner, there are certainly other important events concerning the birth of the study of the machines, this being linked to the invention of the steam engine; to better expose these events we think it is the case to invert the temporal order of the analysis starting from the beginning of the 600 up to the year in which Watt, makes public its overbearing genius.
The invention of the steam engine is linked to a series of events; the beginning of these events is marked by Torricelli, a young student of Galileo, who in 1643 discovered the weight of the atmosphere, creating not a little confusion, or rather the horror of emptiness. To this problem brought Pascal clarity in 1648 in Paris on the river Puy-de-Dòme, performing the first and memorable experience whose end was the measure of heights with the barometer; the bells of Munster and Osnabruck sounded to the success of this experience to celebrate the triumph of the young science and, above all, clarity to the many doubts inflicted by the new knowledge.
In 1650, in Magdeburg, Otto di Guerieke, with a pneumatic machine and other equipment of experience, demonstrated in a scientific and popular way the force corresponding to atmospheric pressure, introducing a new element in the scientific questions of the day. From here we try to use this new element, that is the powerful pressure deriving from emptiness in every place; the attempts do not give success until, in 1696, Papin in Marburg finds the solution. That is, it creates a appliance, a cylinder equipped with a plunger, in which the phenomenon of condensation of water vapor takes place; this phenomenon will then give life to the steam engine. Papin, fails to perfect his machine or to make it work in the practical field, while giving life to the principle of the steam engine, but remains unused for almost fifty years, after which there was the first practical application, namely the first steam machine; in fact, in 1705 two workers, Newcomen and Cawley, in England, realized the first application of the Papin apparatus, joining it to a pump, and used for the mines. We therefore arrived at the end of our framework, in fact, the next significant event that will revolutionize the history of the machines in the years to follow is the maximum refinement to which Watt brings the steam engine. A final observation regards the way in which Reuleaux defines the inventive genius of Watt, that is, overbearing genius: one of the reasons lies in the invention of the steam engine whose merits are not attributable to Watt but to Papin, much less the merits of making this operative invention, since this work was carried out by two workers over fifty years after the invention.
Described then a general picture of those that were the topics that have formed the study of the machines, at least as far as possible, it was interesting to note that after the sensational inventions of Papin, except the application of the steam pump, not there are there are other sensational inventions, at least until Watt publishes his work of perfection. To this, Reuleaux gives, in a few lines, an exhaustive answer, in fact he writes in the introduction of his text: "too little was known the heat, this indispensable agent, we knew not even measure it. First of all it was necessary perfect the thermometer, the thermodynamics would make an essential progress".
In other words, not it could be in other way, given the lack of technical material to continue, in particular the problem was heat, the main agent of the phenomena discussed, whose knowledge was limited to a rudimentary instrument to measure the temperature, which also it required a refinement. It is therefore legitimate for thermodynamics to make progress before continuing; at least until Watt appeared to upset the situation.
In a sense, let's start from the beginning of the seven hundred century and continue in later stages; this, which may seem only a repetition of the analysis, wants to return, in a definitive way on the problem of the study of the machines, the distinction between the single body with respect to the use and the mechanisms with which it is formed, which in they turn introduce the kinematics applied to the machines.
The machines needed a subdivision, which does not happen in a decent way until 1724, when Leupold made a distinction between single mechanisms and machines, which are studied for themselves and only accessoriatamene compared to their different applications. This method did not extend, since a final destination had not yet been made, they always fell into the domain of physics, taken in a more general sense compared to the same applications of a machine.
As soon as the first Polytechnic school was founded in Paris, in 1794, the orderly division began, between the theory of mechanisms and machines.
So as seen, in the first part of this paragraph, towards the end of the first half of the nineteenth century, most scholars find a new point of agreement, the kinematics applied to the machines, or the study of the mechanisms and how it will be better explained later in the following years the Mechanics Applied to the Machines takes a decisive turn towards evolution; after 870 we have certainty that the first texts aimed at teaching are written, treating a good part of the arguments that still today are an integral part of the lessons held by current professors of this discipline at the Faculty of Engineering in Naples, Italy.


The subject matter, from the first information in our possession (cited in the bibliography), is officially introduced during the period in which prof. Mendia, appointed Director of the Application School of Napoles, presented a new reorganization of the internal Rules and, upon his proposal, the School Council, in a short time and after a mature discussion, compiled, on May 25, 1882, the new Regulations, which the Directorate of the School, it has submitted for the Ministry approval in the same time; which was given with a ministerial note dated 12 September 1882 n. 18590.
According to this Regulation, among the expected courses there was also that of Mechanics Applied to the Machines; below are all the teachings established by this provision:
First year: rational mechanics; Geodesy (which was given at the University); Application of descriptive geometry and corresponding drawings; Static graphics with relative drawing; Docimastic chemistry; Mineralogy and Geology applied to buildings; Architecture drawing.
Second year: theoretical and practical hydraulics; Mechanics applied to the Machines; Mechanics applied to buildings; Practical geometry and Celerimensura; Technical Physics; Agriculture and Rural Estimation; Architecture drawing.
Third year: Architecture and corresponding drawings; Civil constructions and strada¬li and relative drawings; Hydraulic constructions with relative design; Railways and fixed and mobile materials with corresponding drawings; Thermal and hydraulic and agricultural machines; Judicial matters.
In this regard it must be said that already after the extension of the Turin regulation by Royal Decree of 30 July 1863 provisionally, then definitively, there is included among the exams, Applied Mechanics; there is reason to believe that during this period already lessons of Applied Mechanics to the machines were given, in fact, in the preface of the text by Ernesto Ferraro (1882), a manuscript is cited containing lessons in Applied Mechanics to Machines dictated by Prof. Padula in 1873 at the School for Engineers of Naples. Furthermore, the General Regulations approved by Royal Decree on October 8, 1876, include, among the mandatory exams, the Mechanics Applied to Machines.
In these years, 1876 - 1884, it would seem that the chair of mechanics applied to the machines is definitively introduced; no specific documents could be found.
We are sure that the Teaching Group on Machines and Technology, since 1884, is divided into two chairs one for the thermal, hydraulic and agricultural machines, entrusted to the extraordinary professor ing. Francesco Milone and the other, for the Mechanics applied to the machines, entrusted to prof. in charge ing. Ernesto Ferraro.
The professor. Milone, who had set up a machine room in motion since 1883, continued to actively take care of this area of his teaching activity in the following years, with the active collaboration of prof. Ernesto Cavalli, who around 1891 became an ordinary professor ofmechanics applied to the machines of the same school. On his death, May 7, 1911, the teaching of the matter was taken on behalf of the engineer. Giovanni Domenico Mayer, from 1907 help to the Chair.
Since 1884, we have certain information on the position of Applied Mechanics in Machines; will remain firmly inserted in the second year in the order until 1938.
Even when in 1938, the engineering studies were reorganized and divided into different sections and subsections, giving rise to several degree courses, the discipline of Applied Mechanics remains mandatory and common in all degree courses, among the joint examinations of the three-year application; the respective lessons were given in the third year of studies, a situation that remained unchanged until 1960.
Even when in 1938, the engineering studies were reorganized and divided into different sections and subsections, giving rise to several degree courses, the discipline of Applied Mechanics remains mandatory and common in all degree courses, among the joint examinations of the three-year application; the respective lessons were given in the third year of studies, a situation that remained unchanged until 1960.
For the degree courses in mechanics, electrotechnics, aeronautics, naval and mechanics, things remain unchanged, while for the degree courses in civil, electrical and chemical engineering, the Mechanics Applied to Machines from the third year are eliminated, and teaching is introduced of Mechanics Applied to the Machines and Machines in the fourth year.
Starting from the new order of 1989, the Mechanics Applied to Machines remains among the fundamental examinations of the third year, for the only degree courses in Mechanical Engineering, Management, Naval, Aeronautics and Electrical Engineering.

Beyond the certain information on the topics covered by the Mechanics Applied to Machines in 1898, we did not find any further documentation which explicitly shows what the topics were treated, over the years, from Applied Mechanics to Machines, at least up to the Gentile (°) reform; nevertheless we considered it plausible to consider the evolution of teaching by following the development of texts that dealt with this discipline.

(°)The Gentile reform is a series of normative acts of the Kingdom of Italy which constituted the organic school reform launched in Italy. It took its name from the inspiration, the neo-realist philosopher Giovanni Gentile, Minister of Education of the Mussolini government in 1923 who elaborated it together with Giuseppe Lombardo Radice.

The texts object, date back to the beginning of the 800 period in which the first Schools for Engineers are established, and at least until the first half of this century there is not a specific text of Applied Mechanics to Machines but texts that deal with the first topics that will form the program of the discipline some decades later.
Before 1876 it was possible to learn some information on what could be the topics taken from the Mechanics Applied to Machines, the lessons concerned the theory of machines, such as engines where no fluid is used, the measurement and the conduct of the waters. The exercises carried out during the second half of the year, on the other hand, consisted of hydrometric and dynamometric works and observations of machines and water conducts; in this semester the project of the machine or the design of the water pipeline had to be done to be presented to the oral exam.

After 1876 yes they can have precise information on what could be the topics covered in the lessons, in fact we know of the existence of a manuscript that collects, such lessons, dictated by Padula.
A first complete profile on the topics that constitute the program of Mechanics Applied to Machines in the penultimate decade of the 800, it was possible to derive it from the text of the Professor, and teacher of this teaching at the School of Naples, "Summary of the lessons of Applied Mechanics to the Machines and related drawing dictated by the engineer Ernesto Ferraro "; from this text it is possible to observe two chapters dedicated to foundry materials and techniques to obtain a metal casting, that is a confirmation of the fact that the Mechanics Applied to Machines derives from the group of teachings of technologies and Machines.
The text cited above clearly shows in the preface, the need to introduce an advanced, changed and targeted teaching to the machines; in fact, the same author shows how the problem of machines has been faced by many scholars avoiding the definition, because none of the existing ones was generally adequate to define the object of study, of a science in constant evolution and driven by the increasing use of the machine itself in society.
In a complete introduction, the author, Prof Ernesto Ferraro, draws attention to the typologies of machines, defining two main categories, the moving machines or conveyors and the transforming or modifying machines, today defined as Machine Operators and Traction machines.
Beyond what was said about the introduction of the first text of Applied Mechanics to Machines, found in Naples, we must necessarily observe that the exact way to see the machine, intended above all as an engine, had already been intuited by many scholars, including Prof. Ernesto Ferraro , which is a set of simple and compound mechanisms, but what had not yet taken over was a theory able to predict the functioning of this whole before its creation.
On the method of studying an invention like the machine, one can have a clear exposition from the introduction of the text of Reuleaux, "general machine theory" (cited several times for its importance), translated by Prof. Giuseppe Colombo at the Institute Superior of Milan, who proposes to abandon the scientific approach usually used whose basis and to see the machine as a single body relative to the application, and to take back the approach of the kinematics with which the Mechanisms that constitute a machine are studied, recalling the Ampéré considerations of the beginning of the century.
Only with the kinematics will it be possible to study a machine before its creation; this is supported by many scholars of the time, and already intuited by the great Reuleaux, as abundantly described in the previous paragraph.

At the beginning of the nine hundred century, there are texts with complete discussion of the topics, which are still studied today, such as the study of the rotary push mechanism; from these it is also possible to see a study program of Mechanics Applied to Machines which, at least in general, approaches that of the end of the millennium. A representation of what could be the study program of Mechanics Applied to machines at the beginning of the 900 is reported in the text of Ernesto Cavallo professor of this teaching at the Engineering Polytechnic of Naples, namely: energy and work, friction and its laws, friction and rigidity of the tracks, hand-moved machines, kinetic friction and lubricating oils, resistance of the means, resistance to the towing, brakes and their theory, transmission devices, geometry, entropy, efficiency of the steam engine, efficiency of the petrol engine, balancing of the machine, centrifugal force regulators, impact machines.
Examining one of the current "1999 - 2000" programs of Applied Mechanics at Machines, proposed to the students of the University of Engineering of Naples, by one of the recent professors, Prof Lelio Delle Pietra, it can be seen how teaching, at the beginning of the 20th century , had assumed a stable form, in fact most of the arguments are still treated, namely: definition of machine and fundamental principles, reduction of masses and forces, reduced system of a machine: machine at absolute regime, periodic regime, moment engine, moment resistant, moment torque, moment and power of a machine, regimen conditions, the operation of a group of machines, dynamics of rigid rotors, mechanical vibrations, balancing of rigid rotating members, bending (flexural) critical speeds, torsional critical speeds, transmissions with wheels of clutches, transmissions with toothed wheels, classification of epicyclic gears, the formula of Willis , the couples acting in the sprocket system, compensating gear systems, planetary gear reducer systems, transmission with flexible organs, alternative machines.
We consider it interesting to conclude with a reflection on the definition above: "invention not repeatable like the machine"; the evolution of the machine derives from the optics with which it has been studied, that is to see it as a set of mechanisms; it would seem that in the new millennium it is destined to disappear! We will be watching, what in the next millennium will not happen: the extinction of the mechanisms, without which no mechanical artifice can be created. How can the invention of mechanisms be defined? If the great ones like Reuleaux, Ampéré, have succeeded in their understanding, it is a mistake to ask the question, the machine is nothing but a set of mechanisms. We certainly do not want to be reductive, a fundamental role must also be attributed to thermodynamics, we only place ourselves in a more general perspective.

The list of the texts of Mechanics Applied to Machines, or containing topics typical of the Mechanics Applied to Machines, which are present in the Federico II Engineering Faculty of Naples, Italy

On November 18, 1808, the establishment of a Royal Corps of Bridges and Roads was decreed in Portici, from Murat; with a subsequent decree dated March 4, 1811, an Application School was set up for the training of engineers assigned to the Corps. There are three academic degrees: approval, license, degree. To be admitted to the School of Application it was necessary to be examined by a commission, which paid particular attention to the knowledge of mathematics. The duration of the studies was three years..

With the return of the Bourbon King to Naples between the end of 1815 and the beginning of 1817, the body of the Bridges and Roads Engineers was abolished together with its Application School.

With the decree of March 25, 1817, the Statute of Engineers was approved to direct the provincial works. By decree of 10 November it was decided that from the following 10 January 1819 a School of Application of Bridges and Roads would be established in Naples. The duration of the studies was reduced from three years of the old school, at two years of the new school. In the two-year course, lessons were given in the following disciplines: Applied Mechanics, Geodesy and Descriptive Geometry, Construction, Civil Architecture and Topography. At the end of the studies, the students had to take an exit exam, carried out in two phases: one written and one oral. With the passing of this examination he was conferred the title of Engineer to direct the provincial works as required by the Statute of Engineers.

In 1826 the disciplines imparted in the School of Application of Bridges and Roads were reorganized in the following six: Hydraulic Architecture and Hydrometric Practice, Chemistry and Mineralogy, Applied Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry with its applications and Geodesy, Civil Architecture and Design, Construction in general and the art of designing.

Between 1834 and 1836 it was established that the studies carried out in the Application School for Engineers of Bridges and Roads gave the right to a degree in Civil Architecture. On November 2, 1835, a Register of Architects was established. The ordering of the School ofApplication of Bridges and Roads during this period is faithfully described by Antonio Maturi. From him it was learned that there were two biennials (no more than one) in which Mechanics and Hydraulics were taught; descriptive geometry, with all its applications to the theory of shadows, perspective and cutting of stones and timber; Geodesy; Geognosia and the design of civil architecture. The first two years ended with an examination that drew the deserving ones to attend the second two-year period. In the second two years were taught: Mechanics Applied to the theories of the resistance of solid bodies, the formation of supporting load-bearing walls, vaults and all kinds of woodworking; the Static, hydraulic and finally the Elements of Chemistry and Agriculture.

The School of Application of Bridges and Roads in February 1861 takes the name of Application School of Engineers of the Genius Civil, after a decree of the Prince-Lieutenant of the King, ordering according to the Italian law of November 20 the Corps of Engineers of Bridges and Roads, he called it the Corps of Engineers of the Genius Civil. The subjects taught in this period are: Descriptive Geometry, Civil Architecture, Applied Physics, Mineralogy, Law, Agriculture, Landscape, Topography.

By decree of 24 June 1863 it is established that, from the following July, the Application School of Engineers of Civil Engineers established in the city of Naples passed from the Ministry of Public Works to that of the Ministry of Public Education.

With another legislative provision of the following July 30, the Turin regulation of October 17, 1860 was extended to the School of Naples, so that it assumed the name of Real Application School for Engineers, in which, as is mentioned by Mendia, passed all the teachings of the ancient school. After about half a century the Application School was detached from the Corps of Engineers. The Turin regulation, also extended toNaples, aimed to give graduates in Mathematics the necessary knowledge to practice the art of the Engineer and the Architect. Admission was reserved for Mathematics graduates only and the duration of the studies was reported again to a single two-year period.

A definitive structure to the regulations of the Royal Schools of application for engineers in Italy was given by the General Regulations approved by Royal Decree of October 8, 1876 according to which the Schools, after a three-year course,in which were admitted students with license Physical Mathematics and Certificate of diligence to the courses of Mineralogy, Geology, Design of ornate and Architecture, passed the examinations scheduled in the three years could confer the diploma of Civil Engineer, or that of Architect. The diploma as an Engineer enabled the management of civil, rural, road, hydraulic and mechanical constructions, and to support the judicial expert's office in related matters. The diploma as an architect enabled the management of civil and rural factories, and to perform the functions of a building and rural expert. The compulsory subjects in the first year were: Rational Mechanics (with exercises); Theoretical Geodesy (with exercises); Static graphics (with exercises); Application of Descriptive Geometry (with Exercises); Docimastic chemistry (with manipulations). The compulsory subjects for the second and third year, for the aspiring to the diploma of engineer, were: Mineralogy and Geology applied to the building materials; Practical geometry; Mechanics applied to machines; Practical hydraulics; Hydraulic machines; Agricultural machinery; Thermal machines; Technical architecture; Civil and rural buildings; Foundations; Bridges in masonry, wood and iron; Ordinary roads; Railway tracks and tunnels; Hydraulic constructions and maritime works; Agricultural hydraulics and drainage; Rural economy and rural estimate; Technical physics; Legal matters.
    For those aspiring to architect diplomas, compulsory subjects in these years were: Mineralogy and Geology applied to construction materials; Practical geometry; Mechanics applied to buildings; Technical architecture; Civil and rural buildings; Rural economy and estime; Technical physics; Legal matters.
The candidates for the diploma of Architect also had the obligation to follow studies of the architecture classes at the local Academies of Fine Arts.

With a ministerial note dated September 12, 1882, the school year was divided into two periods: the first for oral lessons that began on November 21st and ended at the end of May, the second for exercises that began in June principles and ended in September . The exams were distributed as follows:
For the engineer course:
First year: rational mechanics; Geodesy (which was given at the University); Application of descriptive geometry and corresponding drawings; Static graphics with relative drawing; Docimastic chemistry; Mineralogy and Geology applied to buildings; Architecture drawing.
Second year: theoretical and practical hydraulics; Mechanics applied to the Machines; Mechanics applied to buildings; Practical geometry and Celerimensura; Technical Physics; Agriculture and Rural Estimation; Architecture drawing.
Third year: Architecture and corresponding drawings; Civil constructions and strada¬li and relative drawings; Hydraulic constructions with relative design; Railways and fixed and mobile materials with corresponding drawings; Thermal and hydraulic and agricultural machines; Judicial matters.
For the Architecture course
First year: teaching subjects were the same as those of the same engineering course.
Second year: Mechanics applied to constructions: Technical Physics; Practical geometry and Celerimensura; Agriculture and Rural Estimation; Architecture drawing.
Third year: Architecture and corresponding drawings: Civil constructions and buildings and related drawings; Judicial matters..
   In order to obtain the Diploma of Architect, in addition to the special exams and the final one of the Degree in the School, the certificate of assistance was requested with profit, in the Royal Institute of Fine Arts.

In 1888, two Engineering sections were created: Industrial Engineering degree and Naval Engineering degree.

With a decree dated December 29, 1890, the Internal Regulations of the School were approved by the Minister of Education, subsequently amended with the ministerial notes of February 7, 1893 and November 14, 1893; with the royal decree of 8 June 1893, the definitive structure of an autonomous university was then given to the School.

After January 25, 1898, the School of Engineers no longer had two separate periods for lessons but only one that began on October 15th and ended on August 15th. The years of the course were three and each of them had the following teaching materials for the engineering course:
First year: Rational Mechanics and related exercises, Geodesy, Applications of Descriptive Geometry and Relative Design, Graphic Static and Relative Design, Chemistry applied to related exercises, Architectural drawing.
Second year: General and applied geology, Theoretical and practical hydraulics, Mechanics applied to the machines, and machine design, Construction science, Practical geometry, Technical architecture and architectural design.
Third year: Agriculture and Rural Estimates, Technical Physics, Hydraulic Construction and Masonry Bridges, Construction in Iron and Wood, Railways and Road Construction, Hydraulic and Agricultural Thermal Machines, Legal Materials, Architecture and Architectural Design.

On 14 and 24 October 1901, thanks to the solicitation of the honorable Nicolò Gallo, Minister of Education Public, were issued the decrees establishing the Industrial Section of the Application School of Engineers of Naples.

On 8 July 1904 with the approval of the law n. 351, article 32 of which established: the Engineers' Application School is transformed into a Polytechnic High School; to the current courses are added courses complementary to give greater development of practice to current teachings, adding those of electrical engineering and construction and electrical applications, as well as those concerning shipbuilding.

By royal decree of November 30, 1905 it was declared:
I The transformation of the Application School for the engineers of Naples in the Polytechnic High School;
II The institution at the aforementioned School, of a naval Section with the faculty to confer the degree of naval and mechanical engineering;
III The division of the already existing Industrial Section into two subsections: Electromechanics and Electrochemistry (read Industrial Chemistry);
IV The addition, to the existing teachings, of those of:
Electromechanical constructions; Electrochemistry; Naval architecture; Naval constructions; Marine machines.

By ministerial ordinance of 25 October 1924 and subsequent amendments in April 1925, the statute of the Neapolitan School of Engineering was approved according to which it was established that the Royal School of Engineering of Naples was constituted in the Autonomous Superior Institute under the title of Relae Scuola Superiore Polytechnic University of Naples. The industrial section was in turn subdivided into subsections of chemistry, electrotechnics, mechanics.

With the modification of the Statute of the Polytechnic School of 12 October 1925, the definitive suppression of the title of Royal HigherPolytechnic School takes place, for which it is called R. School of Engineering in Naples.

With r. d. of October 7, 1926, while the national university engineering program was being reorganized, it was established: the examination of the license for those who had attended the two-year course, in order to ascertain their scientific maturity and their aptitude for the studies of the three years of application, to which, with the passing of this examination, they were admitted; the state exam for professional qualification. The real School of engineers in Naples is constituted of two years and three years.

The year 1936 marks, for the School of Engineers of Naples, the end of its autonomy. With the single article of the Law n. 1100 of June 13 of that year authorized the minister competent to dispose, within the term of three years, the suppression, the institution or the merger of faculties, schools and university courses, as well as the aggregation of the royal colleges superior to the universities.

With a royal decree of 28 November 1935 n. 2044 is confirmed that for the degree in engineering the duration of the studies is five years divided into three years of preparatory studies and three years of application studies; the admission title is the diploma of classical maturity or of scientific maturity.

With r. d. of 30 September 1938, n. 1652 the studies that led to the degree were reordered, confirming that the course lasted five years, divided into two years of preparatory studies and three years of application studies. This triennium was divided into six sections that gave rise respectively to the following degrees:
Degree in civi1e engineering (subsections: construction, hydraulics, transport);
Degree in industrial engineering (subsections: mechanics, electrotechnics, chi¬mics, aeronautics),
Degree in naval and mechanical engineering;
Degree in chemical engineering;
Degree in aeronautical engineering;
Degree in mining engineering.
According to this provision, the basic teachings of the two-year preparatory studies were: Mathematical analysis (algebra and biennial infinitesimal); Analytical geometry with elements of projective and descriptive with a drawing (two-year); Rational mechanics, with elements of graphic statics and design (biennial); Experimental studies, with exercises (biennial); General and inorganic chemistry with organic elements; Drawing (biennial); Mineralogy and Geology.
The fundamental lessons of the three-year application period, common to all the sections, were: 1) Construction science; 2) Mechanics applied to machines; 3) Technical physics; 4) Applied chemistry; 5) Topography with elements of geodesy; 6)
Technical architecture; 7) Hydraulics; 8) Electrical engineering; 9) Machines; 10) General technologies; 11) Legal and economic matters.
While the complementary ones, always common to all the sections, were: 1) Architecture and architectural composition; 2) Urban planning technique; 3) Road and railway constructions; 4) Transport technology and economy; 5) Bridge construction; 6) Buildings in wood, iron and reinforced concrete; 7) Hydraulic constructions; 8) Maritime buildings; 9) Special hydraulic systems; 10) Agricultural hydraulics; 11) Hygiene applied to engineering; 12) Civil and rural estimate; 13) Agriculture and rural economy; 14) Construction of machines; 15) Design of machines and projects; 16) Special technologies; 17) Mechanical industrial plants; 18) Electrical industrial plants; 19) Chemical industrial plants; 20) Construction of electrical machines; 21) Electric traction; 22) Electrical communications; 23) Electrical measurements; 24) Radiotechnics; 25) Organic chemistry; 26) Physical chemistry; 27) Industrial chemistry; 28) Analytical chemistry; 29) Electrochemistry; 30) Special chi¬miche technologies; 31) Agricultural chemistry; 32) Agricultural mechanics; 33) Mining art; 34) Metallurgy and metallography; 35) Mineral deposits; 36) Mining geophysics; 37) Petrography; 38) Applied geology; 39) Paleontology; 40) Aerodynamics; 41) General aeronautics; 42) Aeronautical buildings; 43) Special aeronautical technologies; 44) Aircraft engines; 45) Testing and maneuvering of aircraft; 46) Aerology; 47) Equipment and instruments on board; 48) Naval architecture; 49) Merchant naval constructions; 50) Military naval construction; 51) Marine machines; 52) Complements of mathematics. The complementary exams were nine that a student had to choose to complete the Engineering studies.
Then there were the Schools of perfection, which were those of Industrial Chemistry; of Electrotechnics and Aeronautics, all lasting one year.
For each one, having passed the exams of certain courses, one was entitled to a specialization degree.

For the research we have referred to the following quotations.

The list of the texts of Mechanics Applied to Machines, or containing topics typical of the Mechanics Applied to Machines, which are present in the Federico II Engineering Faculty of Naples, Italy.

B. I      Alphabetical list
B. II     List in chronological order
B. III    List of authors in alphabetical order
B. IV    List of authors in chronological order

B. I Alphabetical list 

1)   BELANGER, J. B. Traité de cinématique / J. B. Bélanger. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1864

2)  BOCQUET, J. A. Elementary course in applied mechanics / J. A. Bocquet; translation of F. Sinigaglia. 4. ed. NapoliItaly: Pellerano Scientific and Industrial Library, 1919

3)  BOIDI, Giuseppe A. The builder mechanical engineer, ie course of practical theoretical drawing of the machines / Giuseppe A. Boidi.TorinoItaly: V. Bona, 1873

4)  BOIDI, Giuseppe A.: Terms used in species to practical mechanics. XVI, 427, 31 p.: ill. Torino, Italy: V. Bona, 1873

5)  BORGNIS, J. A. Traité complet de mécanique appliquée aux arts : contenant l'exposition méthodique des théories et des expériences les plus utiles pour diriger le choix, l'invention, la construction et l'emploi de toutes les espèces de machines / par J. A. Borgnis  Paris : Bachelier, 1818

6)  BORGNIS, J. a. Mouvements des fardeaux. XII, 335 p., 20 tav.: ill. Paris: Bachelier, 1818

7)  BORGNIS, J. a. Des machines employées dans les constructions diverses. XII, 319 p., 26 tav.: ill. Paris: Bachelier, 1818-

8)  BORGNIS, J. a. Composition des machines. XXXIII, 428 p., 43 tav.: ill. Paris: Bachelier, 1818

9)  BOULVIN, J. Cours de mécanique appliquée aux machines: professe a l'Ecole spéciale du génie civil de Gand. / J. Boulvin. 2. ed. Paris: E. Bernard, 1906

10)  BOULVIN, J. 1. : Théorie générale des mécanisme. VIII, 279 p. : ill. 2. ed. Paris : E. Bernard, 1906

11)  BOULVIN, J. 8.: Appareils de levage, transmission dutravail à distance. 248, XXX p.: ill. Paris : E. Bernard et C., 1899

12)  BOUR, Edm. 1.: Cinématique. 318 p. Paris: Gauthier - Villars, 1865

13)  CAVALLI, Ernesto: Elements of mechanics applied to machines / Ernesto Cavalli. Napoli, Italy: A.Trani, 1908

14)  COLLIGNON, Edouard1.: Cinématique. IV, 504 p. : ill. Paris : Hachette et C., 1873

15)  CONTALDI, Pasquale2.: Applied mechanics, resistance of materials, mechanics applied to machines, transmissions. 342 p. Fermo,Italy: Cooperative typographic establishment, 1906

16)  CONTALDI, Pasquale 2.: Applied mechanics, resistance of materials, mechanics applied to machines, transmissions. Tavole. 44 tav. ill. FermoItaly: Cooperative typographic establishment, 1906

17)  DE BIASE, Luigi. Course of mechanics applied to the machines / Luigi De Biase. Napoli, Italy: V. Bestito, 1914

18)  DELAUNAY, Charles-eugene. Cours élémentaire de mécanique théorique et appliquée / Charles-Eugene Delaunay. 9. ed. rist.: Garnier freres : G. Masson, 1878

19)  DORGEOT, E. Cinématique théorique et appliquée / E. Dorgeot. Paris : H. Dunod et E.Pinat, 1919

20)  DULOS, Pascal  4: XI, 565 p.: ill. Paris: Gauthier Villars, 1879

21)  DULOS, Pascal  5: 254 p.: ill. Paris: Gauthier- Villars, 1883

22)  DWELSHAUVERS, V. Manuel de mécanique appliquée / V. Dwelshauvers. Paris Liège : J. Baudry, 1866

23)  DWELSHAUVERS, V. 1.: Cinématique. III, 214, IV, p., 12 tav.: ill. Paris-Liège: J. Baudry, 1866

24)  FERRARO, Ernesto: Sunto of the lessons of mechanics applied to the machines and related drawing / dictated by Ernesto Ferraro; autographed for the care of the pupil Attilio Gallucci. NapoliItaly: Lithography of the Trinacria, 1883

25)  FERRARO, Ernesto 1. : Preliminaries. 207 p.: ill. Head to the front.: Naples R. School of applications for engineers - 2. Course - School year 1883-84 NapoliItaly: Lithography of the Trinacria, 1884

26)  FERRARO, Ernesto: Sunto of the lessons of mechanics applied to the machines and related drawing / dictated by Ernesto Ferraro; autographed for the care of the pupil Attilio Gallucci. NapoliItaly: Lithography of the Trinacria, 1884

27)  FERRARO, Ernesto 2: Examination of rigid elements 331 p. ill. Head to front: Naples - R. School of applications for engineers - 2. Course - School year 1883-84 NaplesItaly: Lithography of Trinacria, 1884

28)  FERRARO, Ernesto 3.: Examination of rigid elements 223 p. ill. Head to front: Naples - R. School of applications for engineers - 2. Course - School year 1883-84 NaplesItaly: Lithography of Trinacria, 1884

29)  FERRETTI, Pericle: Mechanics of Machines / Pericle Ferretti1 ed. NapoliItaly: Raffaele Pironti, 1952

30)  FERRETTI, Pericle: Mechanics of Machines / Pericle Ferretti. Napoli, Italy: Liguori, 1966

31)  FERRETTI, Pericle1. : 440 p. : ill. Napoli, Italy: Library Liguori, 1960

32)  FOPPL, August Vorlesungen uber technische Mechanik / August Foppl. 14 Auf. Munchen : Leibniz, 1948

33)  FOSCHI, Vittorio: Applied mechanical exercises / Foschi Vittorio Roma: Italian editions, 1943

34) FRISI, Paolo: Institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics of hydrometry and static architecture, and hydraulics for the use of directing school erected in Milan for architects, and for engineers / a.d.d. Fr. Frisi In Milan, Italy: Giuseppe Galeazzi, 1777

35)  GOUARD, E. Cours élémentaire de mécanique industrielle: principes généraux, applications, exercices pratiques / parE. Gourd et G. Hiernaux; préface de Ferdinand Farjon. 2. éd. revue corrigée et augmentée Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914

36)  GOUARD, E. 1. : VIII, 386 p.: ill. In testa al front.: Bibliothèque dell'enseignement technique2. éd. revue corrigée et augmentée Paris : H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914

37)  GRANDS  dessins coloriés pour l'enseignement de la mécanique / composés sous la direction de M. le général Morinet par le soins de Tresca.  Paris : Librairie de L. Hachette et C., 1856

38)  HABICH, E. j. Etudes cinématiques Paris : Gauthier Villars, 1879

39)  Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre Traite élémentaire des machines Paris : J. Klostermann, 1811

40)  HARTMANN, G. h. Les mécanismes / G. H. Hartmann. Paris : Librairie Bailliere, 1925

41)  JULIA, Gaston
Cours de cinématique / Gaston Julia ; redige par J. Dieudonné. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1928

42)  LEONI, A. Industrial mechanics: lessons / by A. Leoni; collected for the care of students G. Merlini and A. Zani Milano, Italy: s..., 1891-92 (Typ. lit. G. Tenconi)

43)  LEONI, Antonio Machine theory: lessons / by Antonio Leoni; collected by the pupil Gerolamo Merlini, MilanoItaly: s.e., 1891-1892

44)  LEONI, A. 1 .: 205 p. : ill.In head to front .: RITS. MilanItaly: s.e., 1891-92 (Typ. lit. G. Tenconi)

45)  MORIN, Arthur Aide-mémoire de mécanique pratique / Arthur Morin. 4. éd. Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1860

46)  MORIN, Arthur Aide mémoire de mécanique pratique : à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingénieurs civils et militaires / par Arthur Morin. Bruxelles : Société belge de libraire, 1837

47)  MORIN, Arthur Notions géométriques sur les mouvements et leurs transformation, ou éléments de cinématique / Arthur Morin. 3. éd. Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1861

48)  MORIN, Arthur Aide-mémoire de mécanique pratique a l'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingénieurs civils et militaires / par Arthur Morin. 2. ed. Metz : Thiel : Le neveu, 1838

49)  MORIN, Arthur Notions géométriques sur les mouvements et leurs transformation, ou éléments de cinématique / Arthur Morin. 3. éd.Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1861

50)  NAVIER, Louis Marie Henri Summary of the lessons given to the School of Bridges and Roads on the application of mechanics to the construction and machinery plant / Louis Marie Henri Navier. Naples: From the printing house and paper mill of the Fibreno, 1836

51)  NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leȯns : données à l’école des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique à l'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier ; 3. éd. avec des notes et des appendices par Barre de Saint-Venant. 3. éd. Paris : Dunod, 1864-

52)  NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leȯns : données à l’école des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique à l'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier. A Paris: Carilian-Goeury, 1838

53)  NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leons : données à l’école royale des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique àl'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier  Paris : Chez F. Didot, 1826

54)  NAVIER, Louis-marie-henri1. : Translated on the 2. ed., Accompanied by the additions and an appendix on suspended bridges / by C. D. D'Andrea. XXXII, 584 p., 6 pl. : ill. NaplesItaly: From the printing house and paper mill of the Fibreno, 1836

55)  NAVIER, Louis-marie-henri: XI, 428 p., 5 tav. : ill. Paris: Chez F. Didot, 1826-

56)  PANETTI, M. Mechanics applied to the machines / M. Panetti. TorinoItaly: University Publishing Library Levrotto e Bella, s.d.

57)  PANETTI, M. 3. : Flexible. 208, III p. : ill. 4. ed. TorinoItaly: University Publishing Library Levrotto e Bella, s.d.

58)  PERRY, John Applied mechanics : a tretise for the use of students who have time to work experimental, numerical, and graphical exercises illustrating the subject / John Perry ; new ed. revised and enlarged. London : Cassel and C., 1907

59)  PERRY, John Mécanique appliquée : à l'usage des élèves qui peuvent travailler éxperimentalement et faire des éxercices numériques et graphiques / John Perry ; ouvrage traduit sur la neuvième édition anglaise par E. Davaux ; avec des addition et un appendice sur la mécanique des corps déformables par E. Cosserat , F. Cosserat. Paris : Librerie scientifique A. Herman et Fils, 1913

60)  PETERSEN, Julius Kinematik : deutsche ausgäbe unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers besorgt von R. von Fischer-Benzon / Julius Petersen. Kopenhagen : A.F.Host und sohn, 1884

61)  PISTOLESI, E. Mechanics applied to machines / E. Pistolesi. 10. ed. FlorenceItaly : A. Vallerini, 1958

62)  POLI, Cino General and applied mechanics / Cino Poli. TorinoItaly: UTET, 1927-

63)  POLI, Cino1. : Vector calculation, kinematics 611 p. : ill. Torino, Italy: UTET, 1927

64)  REULEAUX, F. Le constructeur : tables, formules, règles, calculs, tracés et renseignements pour la construction des organes de machines : aide-mémoire à l'usage des ingénieurs, constructeurs, architectes, mécaniciens / F. Reuleaux ; éd. franȧise publié sur la 3. éd. allemande par A. Debieze et E. Merijot. Paris: F. Savy, 1875

65)  REULEAUX, F. Le constructeur : principes, formules, tracés, tables et renseignements pour l'établissement des projets de machines, àl'usage des ingénieurs, constructeurs, architectes, mécaniciens / F. Reuleaux ; 3. éd. franȧise traduite de l'allemand sur la 4. éd. entièrement refondue et considérablement augmentée par A. Debize  3. éd. Paris: F. Savy, 1890

66)  REULEAUX, F. Fundamental principles of a general machine theory / F. Reuleaux; authorized translation of Giuseppe Colombo Milan-Naples, Italy: U. Hoepli, 1874

67)  REULEAUX, F. General machine theory: theoretical kinematics / F. Reuleaux. S.l. : s.e., 1874

68)  REULEAUX, Franz, 1829-1905 Cinématique : principes fondamentaux d'une théorie générales des machines / par F. Reuleaux ; traduit de l'allemand par A. Debize Paris Librairie F. Savy1877

69)  RICCI, Carlo luigi: LESSONS OF MECHANICS APPLIED TO MACHINES / RICCI CARLO LUIGI, PisaItaly: National Union of Engineers, 1921

70)  RUBINO, Mario: Mechanics applied to machines / Mario Rubino. 3. ed. MilanoItaly: Principality, 1958

71)  SCOTTO LAVINA, Giovanni Applications of mechanics of the machines / Giovanni Scotto Lavina. MilanItaly: Tamburini, 1949

72)  SCOTTO LAVINA, G. Summary of the mechanics lessons applied to the machines / G. Scotto Lavina. Rome, Italy: Siderea, 1970

73)  TADDEI, Mario2. : 432 p. : ill. Napoli, Italy: Liguori, 1981

74)  TADDEI, Mario3. : 318 p. : ill. Napoli, Italy: Liguori, 1981

75)  TAFFE, A. Applications de la mécanique aux machines / A. Taffe ; 4. éd. revue, corrigée et augmentée de chapitres nouveaux par P. Boileau. 4. éd Paris : Libraire du dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, 1872

76)  TESSARI, Domenico: The kinematics applied to machines: for use in application schools for engineers, engineers and mechanical constructors / Domenico Tessari. TurinItaly: E. Loescher, 1890

77)  WITTENBAUER, Ferdinand Aufgaben aus der technischen Mechanik / Ferdinand Wittenbauer ; 5. verbesserte auf. bearbeitet von Theodor Psochl. 5. verbesserte auf. Berlin: J. Springer, 1924

78) WITTENBAUER, Ferdinand Aufgaben aus der technischen Mechanik / Ferdinand Wittenbauer.3. verbesserte auf. Berlin : J. Springer, 1918
B. II List by publication date

1)      FRISI, Paolo Institutions of mechanics, hydrostatics of hydrometry and static architecture, and hydraulic for the use of directing school erected in Milan for architects, and for engineers / a.d. Fr. Frisi In Milan: Giuseppe Galeazzi, 1777

2)      Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre Traite elementaire des machines Paris: J. Klostermann, 1811

3)      BORGNIS, J. a. Traité complet de mécanique appliquée aux arts : contenant l'exposition méthodique des théories et des expériencesles plus utiles pour diriger le choix, l'invention, la construction et l'emploi de toutes les espèces de machines / par J. A. Borgnis Paris : Bachelier, 1818

4)      BORGNIS, J. a. Mouvements des fardeaux. XII, 335 p., 20tav.: ill. Paris : Bachelier, 1818

5)       BORGNIS, J. a. Des machines employées dans les constructions diverses. XII, 319 p., 26tav. : ill. Paris : Bachelier, 1818

6)      BORGNIS, J. a. Composition des machines. XXXIII, 428 p.,43 tav.: ill. Paris: Bachelier, 1818

7)      NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leons: données à l’école royale des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique àl'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier  Paris: Chez F. Didot, 1826

8)        NAVIER, Louis-marie-henri1. : XI, 428 p., 5 tav.: ill. Paris: Chez F. Didot, 1826

9)      NAVIER, Louis Marie Henri Summary of the lessons given to the School of Bridges and Roads on the application of mechanics to the construction plant and machines / Louis Marie Henri Navier. Naples: From the printing house and paper mill of the Fibreno, 1836

10)  NAVIER, Louis-marie-henri1. : Translated on 2. ed., Accompanied by notes and additions and an appendix on suspended bridges / by C. D. D'Andrea. XXXII, 584 p., 6 pl. : ill. Naples: From the printing house and paper mill of the Fibreno, 1836

11)  MORIN, Arthur Aide mémoire de mécanique pratique : à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingénieurs civils et militaires / par Arthur Morin. Bruxelles : Société belge de libraire, 1837

12)  MORIN, Arthur Aide-mémoire de mécanique pratique a l'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingenieurs civils et militaires / par Arthur Morin. 2. ed. Metz : Thiel : Le neveu, 1838

13)  NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leȯns : données à l’école des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique à l'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier. A Paris: Carilian-Goeury, 1838

14)  GRANDS  dessins coloriés pour l'enseignement de la mécanique / composés sous la direction de M. le général Morin et par le soins de Tresca.  Paris : Librairie de L. Hachette et C., 1856

15)  MORIN, Arthur Aide-mémoire de mécanique pratique / Arthur Morin. 4. éd. Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1860

16)  MORIN, Arthur Notions géométriques sur les mouvements et leurs transformation, ou éléments de cinématique / Arthur Morin. 3. éd. Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1861

17)  MORIN, Arthur Notions géométriques sur les mouvements et leurs transformation, ou éléments de cinématique / Arthur Morin. 3. éd. Paris : L. Hachette et C., 1861

18)  NAVIER, Louis-Marie Henri Résumé des leȯns : données à l’école des ponts et chaussées sur l'application de la mécanique à l'établissement des constructions et des machines / Louis-Marie Henri Navier ; 3. éd. avec des notes et des appendices par Barre de Saint-Venant. 3. éd. Paris: Dunod, 1864
19)  BELANGER, J. b. Traité de cinématique / J. B. Bélanger. Paris : Gauthier Villars, 1864

20)  BOUR, Edm. 1. : Cinématique. 318 p. Paris : Gauthier Villars, 1865

21)  DWELSHAUVERS, V. Manuel de mécanique appliquée / V. Dwelshauvers. Paris Liège : J. Baudry, 1866

22)  DWELSHAUVERS, V. 1. : Cinématique. III, 214, IV, p., 12 tav.: ill. Paris Liège : J. Baudry, 1866

23)  TAFFE, A. Applications de la mécanique aux machines / A. Taffe ; 4. éd. revue, corrigée et augmentée de chapitres nouveaux par P. Boileau. 4. éd Paris: Libraire du dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, 1872

24)  BOIDI, Giuseppe a. The mechanical constructor engineer, ie course of practical theoretical drawing of the machines / Giuseppe A. Boidi. Turin: V. Bona, 1873

25)  BOIDI, Giuseppe a. 1. : Terms used in particular to practical mechanics. XVI, 427, 31 p. : ill. Turin: V. Bona, 1873

26)  COLLIGNON, Edouard1. : Cinématique. IV, 504 p. : ill. Paris: Hachette et C., 1873-

27)  REULEAUX, F. Fundamental principles of a general machine theory / F. Reuleaux; authorized translation of Giuseppe Colombo Milan-Naples: U. Hoepli, 1874) 

28)  REULEAUX, F. General machine theory: theoretical kinematics / F. Reuleaux. S.L. : e.e., 1874

29)  REULEAUX, F. Le constructeur : tables, formules, règles, calculs, tracés et renseignements pour la construction des organes de machines : aide-mémoire à l'usage des ingénieurs, constructeurs, architectes, mécaniciens / F. Reuleaux ; éd. franȧise publié sur la 3. éd. allemande par A. Debieze et E. Merijot. Paris: F. Savy, 1875

30)   REULEAUX, Franz, 1829-1905 Cinématique : principes fondamentaux d'une théorie générales des machines / par F. Reuleaux ; traduit de l'allemand par A. Debize Paris Librairie F. Savy1877

31)  DELAUNAY, Charles-eugene Cours élémentaire de mécanique théorique et appliquée / Charles-Eugene Delaunay. 9. ed. ris : Garnier frères : G. Masson, 1878

32)  HABICH, E. j. Etudes cinématiquesParis: Gauthier-Villars, 1879

33)  DULOS, Pascal  4. : XI, 565 p. : ill. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1879

34)  DULOS, Pascal  5. : 254 p. : ill. Paris : Gauthier- Villars, 1883

35)  FERRARO, Ernesto Summary of the lessons of mechanics applied to the machines and related drawing / dictated by Ernesto Ferraro; autographed for the care of the pupil Attilio Gallucci. Naples: Lithography of the Trinacria, <1883>

36)  FERRARO, Ernesto1. : Preliminaries. 207 p. : ill.In head to front .: Naples R. School of applications for engineers - 2. course - school year 1883-84 Naples: lithography of Trinacria, 1884

37)   FERRARO, Ernesto Sunto of the lessons of mechanics applied to the machines and related drawing / dictated by Ernesto Ferraro and autographed by Attilio Gallucci. Naples: Lithography of the Trinacria, 1884

38)   FERRARO, Ernesto2. : Esame di elementi rigidi. 331 p. : Ill. Testa a fronte: Napoli - R. Scuola di domande per ingegneri - 2 ° corso - Anno scolastico 1883-84 Napoli: Litografia della Trinacria, 1884

39)  FERRARO, Ernesto 3: Examination of ductile elements. 223 p. : Ill. Heading front: Naples - R. School of applications for engineers -2. course - School year 1883-84 Naples: Lithography of Trinacria, 1884

40)  PETERSEN, Julius Kinematik : deutsche ausgabe unter mitwirkung des verfassers besorgt von R. von Fischer-Benzon / Julius Petersen. Kopenhagen: A.F.Host und sohn, 1884

41)  REULEAUX, F. Le constructeur : principes, formules, tracés, tables et renseignements pour l'établissement des projets de machines, àl'usage des ingénieurs, constructeurs, architectes, mécaniciens / F. Reuleaux ; 3. éd. franȧise traduite de l'allemand sur la 4. éd. entièrement refondue et considérablement augmentée par A. Debize  3. éd. Paris: F. Savy, 1890

42)  TESSARI, Domenico The kinematics applied to the machines: for use in application schools for engineers, engineers and mechanical constructors / Domenico Tessari. Turin: E. Loescher, 1890

43)  LEONI, A. Meccanica industriale : lessons / by A. Leoni; collected for the care of students G. Merlini and A. Zani Milano: s..., 1891-92 (Typ. lit. G. Tenconi)

44)  LEONI, Antonio Machine theory: lessons / by Antonio Leoni; collected by the student Gerolamo Merlini Milano: s.e., 1891-1892

45)  LEONI, A. 1.: 205 p. : ill.In testa al front.: RITS. Milano: s.e., 1891-92 ( Tip. lit. G. Tenconi)

46)  BOULVIN, J. 8. : Appareils de levage, transmission du travail à distance. 248, XXX p. : ill. Paris : E. Bernard et C., 1899

47)   BOULVIN, J. Cours de mécanique appliquée aux machines : professe a l'Ecole spéciale du génie civil de Gand. / J. Boulvin. 2. ed.Paris: E. Bernard, 1906
48)   BOULVIN, J. 1. : Theorie generale des mecanisme. VIII,279 p. : ill. 2. ed. Paris : E. Bernard, 1906

49)  CONTALDI, Pasquale2. : Applied mechanics, resistance of materials, mechanics applied to the machines, transmissions. 342 p. Fermo: Cooperative typographical plant, 1906

50)  CONTALDI, Pasquale 2. : Applied mechanics, resistance of materials, mechanics applied to machines, transmissions. Tables. 44 table : Ill. Fermo: Cooperative typographical plant, 1906

51)  PERRY, John Applied mechanics : a tretise for the use of students who have time to work experimental, numerical, and graphical exercises illustrating the subject / John Perry ; new ed. revised and enlarged. London: Cassel and C., 1907

52)  CAVALLI, Ernesto Elements of mechanics applied to the machines / Ernesto Cavalli. Naples: A.Trani, 1908

53)  PERRY, John Mécanique appliquée : à l'usage des élèves qui peuvent travailler éxperimentalement et faire des exercices numériques et graphiques / John Perry ; ouvrage traduit sur la neuvième édition anglaise par E. Davaux ; avec des addition et un appendice sur la mécanique des corps deformables par E. Cosserat , F. Cosserat. Paris : Librerie scientifique A. Herman et fils, 1913

54)  DE BIASE, Luigi Course of mechanics applied to the machines / Luigi De Biase. Napoli : V. Bestito, 1914

55)  GOUARD, E. Cours élémentaire de mécanique industrielle : principes généraux, applications, exercices pratiques / parE. Gouard et G. Hiernaux ; préface de Ferdinand Farjon. 2. éd. revue corrigée et augmentée Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914

56)  GOUARD, E. 1. : VIII, 386 p. : ill.In testa al front.: Bibliothèque del'enseignement technique2. éd. revue corrigée et augmentée Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914
57)   WITTENBAUER, Ferdinand Aufgaben aus der technischen Mechanik / Ferdinand Wittenbauer. 3. verbesserte auf. Berlin : J. Springer, 1918

58)  BOCQUET, J. A. Elementary course in applied mechanics / J. A. Bocquet; translation by F. Sinigaglia. 4. ed. Naples: Pellerano Scientific and Industrial Library, 1919

59)  DORGEOT, E. Cinématique théorique et appliquée / E. Dorgeot. Paris : H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1919


61)  HARTMANN, G. h. Les mécanismes / G. H. Hartmann. Paris : Librairie Bailliere, 1925)

62)  WITTENBAUER, Ferdinand Aufgaben aus der technischen Mechanik / Ferdinand Wittenbauer ; 5. verbesserte auf. bearbeitet von Theodor Psochl. 5. verbesserte auf. Berlin : J. Springer, 1924

63)   POLI, Cino General and applied mechanics / Cino Poli. Torino: UTET, 1927

64)  POLI, Cino1. : Vector calculation, kinematics 611 p.: ill. Torino: UTET, 1927

65)  JULIA, Gaston Cours de cinématique / Gaston Julia ; rédige par J. Dieudonné. Paris: Gauthier Villars, 1928

66)  FOSCHI, Vittorio Applied mechanical exercises / Foschi Vittorio Roma : Italian editions, 1943           

67)  FOPPL, August Vorlesungen uber technische Mechanik / August Foppl. 14 Auf. Munchen : Leibniz, 1948

68)  SCOTTO LAVINA, Giovanni Mechanical applications of the machines / Giovanni Scotto Lavina. Milano : Tamburini, 1949

69)  PANETTI, M. Mechanics applied to the machines / M. Panetti. Torino : University publishing library Levrotto e Bella, s.d.

70)  PANETTI, M. 3. : Flessibili. 208, III p. : ill. 4. ed. Torino: University publishing library Levrotto e Bella, s.d.

71)  FERRETTI, Pericle Mechanics of Machines / Pericle Ferretti1 ed. Napoli : Raffaele Pironti, 1952

72)  PISTOLESI, E. Mechanics applied to the machines / E. Pistolesi. 10. ed. Firenze : A. Vallerini, 1958

73)  RUBINO, Mario Mechanics applied to the machines / Mario Rubino. 3. ed. Milano : Principato, 1958

74)  FERRETTI, Pericle1. : 440 p. : ill. Napoli : Libreria Liguori, 1960-

75)  FERRETTI, Pericle Mechanics of the machines / Pericle Ferretti. Napoli : Liguori, 1966

76)  SCOTTO LAVINA, G. Summary of the lessons of mechanics applied to the machines / G. Scotto Lavina. Roma : Siderea, 1970

77)    TADDEI, Mario2. : 432 p. : ill. Napoli : Liguori, 1981

78)    TADDEI, Mario3. : 318 p. : ill. Napoli : Liguori, 1981

B. III  List of authors in chronological order

HACHETTE 1811    BORGNIS  1818      BABBAGE  1834   NAVIER  1836  1864  1838  1826

GRANDS  1856       MORIN  1861  1860  1837  1861    REDTENBACHER  1861  1872  1868 

LABOULAYE  1864     BELANGER  1864      BOUR  1865    DWELSHAUVERS  1866

TAFFE  1872     COLLIGNON  1873       BOIDI 1873    HATON DE LA GOUPILLIERE  1874

PONCELET  1874  1876      KELLER  1874    REULEAUX  1875  1890  1874 1877

RANKINE   1877      DELAUNENAY  1878   HABICH  1879    DULOS  1879  1883

FERRARO 1883 1884    PETERSEN  1884     TESSARI  1890     LEONI  1891-92

MASI  1897     BOULVIN    1899 1906      CONTALDI  1906      WEVE  1907   

PERRY  1907  1913     CAVALLI   1908    GABRIEL 1911  1913    DE BIASE  1914

GOUARD  1914     BRUNELLI  1916   DORGEOT  1919    BOCQUET  1919

WITTENBAUER  1924   HARTMANN  1925    POLI 1927        JULIA  1928    FOPPL  1948

PANETTI       PISTOLESI  1958      FERRETTI 1960 1966    TOLLE  1961     TADDEI  1981

B. IV List of authors in alphabetical order

BABBAGE (1834)   BELANGER  (1864)  BOCQUET  (1919)    BOIDI (1873)   BORGNIS (1818)     

BOULVIN  (1899 1906)    BOUR (1865)   BRUNELLI  (1916)   CAVALLI (1908)

COLLIGNON  (1873)   CONTALDI  (1906 1913)    DE BIASE  (1914)    DELAUNENAY  (1878)

DORGEOT  (1919)    DULOS  (1879 1883)  DWELSHAUVERS  (1866)   FERRARO (1883 1884)

FERRETTI (1960 1966)    FOPPL (1948)    GABRIEL (1911)     GOUARD (1914)  

GRANDS  (1856)       HABICH  (1879)    HACHETTE (1811)    HARTMANN (1925) 

HATON  DE LA COUPILLIERE  (1874)   JULIA  (1928)    KELLER  (1874)   

LABOULAYE  (1864)   LEONI  (1891-92)    MASI (1897)   MORIN  (1861 1860 1837)

NAVIER  (1836  1864  1838  1826)     PANETTI     PERRY  (1907  1913)  PETERSEN  (1884)  

PISTOLESI (1958)    POLI (1927)    PONCELET  (1874 1876  1861)    RANKINE   (1877) 

REDTENBACHER  (1861  1872  1868)  REULEAUX  (1875  1890  1874 1877)   TAFFE  (1872)   

TADDEI  (1981)   TESSARI  (1890)   TOLLE  (1961)     WEVE (1907)   WITTENBAUER  (1924)  


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